Sunday, July 3, 2011

Summer Days

I hope everyone is having a fun (and Safe) holiday weekend!! I love long weekends! They're the best.
I haven't been doing as many posts as I was there for a while, but to catch up... we've really just been doing a whole lot of this:

Yes, they are twins.. I swear. My little boy is just tiny. :)
Emma has consistently been in the 75th - 80th percentiles for height & weight, and Drew has pretty much hovered between 7-10%. However, since his growth chart is consistently curving upwards they aren't worried about it. He's just small. But growing at a steady pace.

All that swimming makes these munchkins hungry
Taking a break to have snacks (Or, 'nacks' as Emma calls them.)

If you notice, even when he's playing in the pool, his cars are not far from sight! I have never seen a kid SO into cars in my life. His car collection can honestly keep him occupied all day long.

And then he crashed.

Emma chilled in her little pool for a bit

And, she really found it pretty entertaining to put the bucket over her head.

She said "Mom! Take a picture of me!! Cheeeeeese!!" (While her head was in the bucket.)

There, that's better.

Last night we went to a festival. Every weekend during the summer there are festivals/street fairs around here with live music, drinks, food... There's always something fun to do. Tonic was the band playing at one of the festivals going on last night , so went by for a bit.

The kids had a blast dancing to the music. The stage was set up off to the side with a big grassy area surrounding it so they were able to jump around, dance and play.

Sharing a funnel cake. Emma was actually more concerned with eating all of the powdered sugar off the top of it than the actual funnel cake itself.

Emma and Dad listening to the band.

They were troopers... considering they swam their little hearts out all afternoon, and were probably drained from the sun (not to mention all the dancing that was going on when the band was playing). But they hung in there for a while and had a lot of fun. They were doing a firework show over the lake right when the band finished, which I really really wanted the kids to see. (I probably wanted them to see it more than they actually cared to) But, I thought they would really like it. The last 2 years they weren't really old enough to 'get' it but I think they are at a perfect age for that - even if we just sat through a few fireworks and left. But, they didn't make it. They were pretty burnt out by the end, so we left. Probably only 15 minutes before the fireworks. But oh well, we're going to give it another shot tonight and see if we can catch a few minutes of it. Family friends of ours have an annual 4th of July bash that we're going to today, so depending on how late we stay there and if timing works out, we'll try to catch a few minutes of the fireworks on our way home.

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