Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My Soccer Players, A few candles and a Birthday Wish....

Yesterday was my sisters birthday, so we had her birthday dinner at my parents last night. In our family, for your birthday you get to pick whatever you want for dinner (no matter how strange the combination may end up being) and dessert for your at home family birthday celebration. We like birthdays. My kids especially like birthdays... I think every time there is a birthday in the family they think it's theirs. And they are always allowed to blow out the candles on the cake because it's their favorite part. So last night we all went to my parents for steak, crab legs, waffle fries, salad and ice cream cake (and cupcakes that looked just like the ice cream cake for Emma because of her issue with dairy these days.)
Before Emma and Drew could say 'Shauna' they called my sister 'Cha-Cha' which just sort of stuck around.

Happy Birthday Cha-Cha!!

Emma helping ChaCha blow out her candles
Drew helping blow out candles
Cupcake Time!!

This was pretty funny... Emma was pretending to take pictures from a fake cell phone. (meanwhile getting her grubby icing covered cake crumbly fingers all over it.) Drew was on the other side of the table carefully wiping his hands with a napkin after each bite. hahah

Very serious face.

I am off work today, hanging at home with my kiddos. We are having a heat wave (well, I wouldn't say the actual temperatures are bad, but the humidity is horrible.) So I didn't want them to be outside for too long today, but we went to the park for a bit this morning. The swings were way too hot and would have burnt their tushies off... and basically, most of the playground stuff was too hot. So we played with a ball on the soccer field. And let me tell you... I think we've got a few soccer players!

(Warning - - PLEASE for your own sake make sure your computer volume is muted. My voice in these is just obnoxiously annoying.)

Emma was pretty good also, but I must have had sunscreen or something on the lens so hers came out really foggy.

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