Sunday, July 10, 2011

My Family is the Sunshine of My Life

We actually had a 'relaxing' weekend (for us, anyway.) Which was really nice. Andrew's uncle Bill was here visiting us for a few days. He arrived Thursday evening and left Saturday morning to continue on his road trip journey. It was nice having him here. He is really great with kids and Emma and Drew absolutely adore him. They were sad to see him go. Andrew took Friday off and they golfed, took the kids to swim and went to Arlington Race track.
Saturday the boys (Andrew & Drew) had haircuts, we went out to lunch and ran all of the typical errands - Costco, Target....
Drew getting his hair cut. He's had so many haircuts, his hair grows unbelievably fast. But I have not had Emma's haircut yet. Partially at the beginning because it was really curly (ringlets) and still is; but it didn't seem as long as it actually was once it dried and the curls bounced up. But, I think it's time. Just for a little bitty trim. Although Emma thinks she has gotten her hair cut several times, so may be confused when she actually does. She feels left out when Drew gets his haircut and she doesn't get a turn, so Rachel puts her up in the chair, takes the time to put a smock on her, spritz her hair down, and do a quick pretend cut - little snipets with the scissors somewhere over her head. And she jumps down from her chair with the biggest smile on her face and comes running to me "Mommy! I got my hair cut!! Look!!" (Is that bad?)

Out to lunch
That lunch actually ended quicker than we had anticipated... I'm trying really hard to stick to my word, and when I say stop it or else (XXXX) then I really need to follow through with my 'or else' whatever it may be at the time, even if it isn't convenient for me. Because otherwise they don't take me seriously. And we are definitely going through a streak of the 2's (times 2) that everyone speaks so unpleasantly about. Some days are more challenging than others. And they are definitely better behaved when they are separated and I only have one of them. All things considered, I'm sure they actually are much better behaved than most kids their age, I think Andrew and I both just have really high expectations of them. (But that's what parents are for, right?) Anyway, back to the lunch story, Drew was doing something I didn't want him to do, I don't really even remember what it was now, standing or jumping on the booth or something - and I had asked him a few times to stop, eventually said the eminent 'Sit down NOW or we are out of here.' And a minute later, there we went. (Drew and I) with unfinished lunches, etc... Out to the car. Andrew and Emma finished eating and came out after. I like the advice of my Nan - Don't have a lot of rules, but the ones you do have - Stick to them.
Saturday night I was able to meet up with one of my besties from college who was in town for the weekend. It was really nice to be able to catch up with her a little bit.

I had some fun playing around with editing some pictures tonight. Although, once again... always forget to use my good camera, so there's only so much you can do when you are workin' with cell phone pics.
 Today was really just a relaxing day. We hung around at home almost all day, which almost never happens on weekends (or ever, for that matter.)  I caught up on some laundry, a little organizing... and spent a lot of time just playing with my munchkins.
They were drawing/erasing on their chalkboard - I say that because they really were more amused with the erasing part I think. We had to work out a rotating schedule to take turns with the eraser.

And of course life isn't always perfect and peachy, so for the sake of reality... there was also a little bit of this:

You don't really get the full effect without hearing the screechy scream that came with it.
Please disregard the hair. I had not yet had a chance to do her hair.... yikes!

Emma was really (I mean REALLY) proud of her smiley face that she drew on the chalk board and asked me to take a picture of it for her.

She also requested this pic. And then was very excited to come over and see how the picture turned out.

I changed and washed the sheets on all of the beds today, and I don't know what it is, but when I take the sheets and blankets off of our bed, the kids love to come in and jump around on the bed. Not sure what kind of difference there is with/without sheets, but it gets them all keyed up.

Drew was helping me. Well not really, he was much more of a distraction because I just wound up playing with him for a long time instead.

Emma laughing about something with Daddy

She got a booboo on her hand today, just a tiny little scrape, but daddy made it all better with a bandaid.
Later in the day Drew was walking in the same place Emma was when she fell and he turned around to me and said "Mom, I better watch where my going," and then he does this confirmation head nod. Funny little guy.

We grilled at home tonight, and while Andrew was grilling Emma & Drew played with our neighbors little kids. How terrible is this? We have now lived here a few years and I didn't even know that our neighbors had a daughter Emma and Drew's age!!?! But, in my defense their back backs up to our back so it's not like they are actually on our street. But either way, we're just always on the go on the weekends.

I was so happy with something I found today for my little girl - Lactose Free Ice Cream!! Recently we discovered that she has a little issue with lactose. It's not severe or anything but she gets really bad stomach pains, so we just avoid it. They get milk every night before bed and without fail Emma would wake up screaming and crying at night with a bad tummy (We didn't know it was her stomach right away either) but eventually associated it with milk & other heavy dairy products. Now she drinks Silk, and we have had no issues since. She did however love ice cream, and it was only a treat that they would get at my parents because I don't buy it at home. But after we cut out her heavy dairy, ice cream had to go. So when I saw the ice creams that were made from coconut milk, or soy, I got excited and had to buy some for her. Sucker, I know. So after dinner tonight the kids had ice cream with sprinkles.

I took that picture the other night when they were watching tv in my bed.

And this one is from a few days ago also, but I just couldn't resist. I'm sure I've mentioned it before, Drew is absolutely, positively, without a doubt infatuated with cars. Or, anything with wheels for that matter. He usually refuses to go to bed or take a nap without a few of them - and there are a couple that always end up coming with us wherever we go. Usually I will find random little cars in my purse after a weekend because he knows I throw things in my purse to take with me before we leave the house, so I've caught him putting his little cars in there occasionally.
So, I put them in for naps, and he didn't want to take a nap but I told him I didn't care if he slept, but he had to be quiet and stay in his bed. Eventually I knew he would fall asleep. So I went in a little bit later to check on him and found this:

"The only thing worth stealing is a kiss from a sleeping child."  ~Joe Houldsworth

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