Wednesday, June 29, 2011

~ 30 Years and counting ~

I haven't been very dedicated to my blog lately ... but we've been pretty busy. Well, we're pretty much always busy, but I mean really busy. I don't really understand why but Summer is SO much busier than other times of the year and I know the weather is nicer and everything... but everything on our calendar for the summer is not outside. It just tends to be a really busy time of year. Every weekend is for the most part booked up for the rest of the summer. Bottom line, I have a lot of catching up to do on here. But I'll probably work backwards a little bit. I still have Wyoming pictures to post, fathers day....
Anyway - here's what I've been up to. I can finally talk about it now that it has happened. My parents had their 30th Anniversary a few weeks ago and we've been planning a surprise party for them for the last several months to celebrate. 30 years really is quite an accomplishment. And I only hope to be as lucky, and strive for us to be half the role models for our children that they have been for us.
 The Guests of Honor ~ Celebrating 30 Years!

They also have the best group of friends, which is really what made the party so much fun, and turn out as well as it did.
Their Arrival:

We drank and laughed, visited and made fun of old pictures...
(I made a big picture board with pictures of them ranging from the 70's through today.) So there were definitely a few that stirred up some interesting conversations and funny memories.
My dads sisters come out to visit once or twice a year, and I knew they would be here around then so I coordinated the party around when they would be here. Even if they were suspecting something was up, at least that part was a surprise! (I was hiding them at my house, so they didn't know they were in town yet.)

The picture board (or some of it)
And below is a poster that everyone signed for them.

My two favorite guys...

Our Family

My mom and all of her girlfriends (and Gary)

Take two!

After the party some of us went back to their friends house - and they sent off these really neat Chinese air balloon things - I think they said it's good luck or well wishes and a tradition at weddings?
But either way, they were really neat to watch. They lit them and sent them off into the night sky.

Really cool. Although at one point I will say, I was a little worried that my moms hair was going to catch on fire.
One of their favorite hang outs (Wool St. Bar & Grill) has a skybox that we reserved for the party - which has a private bar, and open area - and this room also attached to it with high top tables, which looks down over the sports bar and area where the band plays. I took these before the party to try to capture some of our decorating... but I'm realizing that you can't really see it that well. Oh well.

So all in all, it was a success. And they had a fun time with friends a family, which is all that matters. I have to say I'm a little relieved to have it off my plate and will have a tiny bit of extra time now - ya right. Who am I kidding? But I'll try to get the rest of our Wyoming trip pictures posted and some of my other recent stuff.

Once again.. I typed this last night and am posting the following morning because I didn't quite make it up long enough to read through it and make sure my delirious brain didn't make too many mistakes.

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