Saturday, July 23, 2011

A first for everything

Alright... I'm tired, so I'm going to make this a quickie - but I just wanted to get these videos out here for Andrews parents. Long story, but the videos I take on my phone error out when I text them or email them to his dad (and when I email them to myself they do the same thing actually...) So I have to save them and drop them into the blog, and... Wha La! A little quirky, but we hit a major milestone today so I really wanted them to see these videos. (they rarely miss out on any major 'firsts' because they come to visit us a lot, and we do lots of pictures, videos and webcam. They are actually going to be here in just a few days.)
As you know, my parents have a pool and we pretty much live in it during the Summer months, so Emma and Drew have spent an ample amount of time in the water (Pool, beach, pond, etc...) and are very comfortable in and around water, but have never just swam by themselves without being held. They like to play around on the steps of the pool, float around in rafts, or be held while they float around the pool. They do have life vests on whenever they are around the pool though. But it was like all of a sudden today was the day that both of them decided they were going to go into the pool on their own, without holding on to anyones hands or anything and swim around! So I made sure to take videos - I actually took a lot, but here are a few -
That's my dad in there with them. He taught me how to swim when I was pretty young, and surprisingly I remember a lot of it.. And now he's teaching my munchkins! (My mom and my dad, sorry mom. You just weren't in any of these videos...)
I was not in the pool because I was on pizza duty. When I left to go pick up the pizzas they were doing their typical hangin' out on the steps deal, I was back within 15 minutes and they were out in the middle of the pool on their own swimming their little hearts out!!

In these videos of Emma she has a noodle because she really was pretty much in there by herself , but earlier in the evening she was doing it without the noodle assistance. (And to clear up the comment about her being in the pool alone, there were 5 adults standing at the edge and she had a life vest on.)

My cousin is in town from NJ, spending the weekend here with  us. They golfed this afternoon, and we did a little evening swimming, and our regular Friday pizza night. Hopefully the weather holds out for him because we pretty much have  thunderstorm warnings for the entire weekend. You never know though. This afternoon and tonight wound up turning out really sunny and hot and it was supposed to be stormy.
I'm hoping we don't get hit with any more severe storms... I don't think this area can  handle any more trees down, power outages, traffic lights out ....
We had the craziest storm about a week or two ago. It rolled in around 7:15 ish in the morning, I was driving to work, had my sunglasses on, parked the car, walked in, onto the elevator and in the time it took me to get on the elevator, up to my floor and take a few steps it was  pitch black dark outside with hurricane-like winds and rain. It was major, but the strangest part is that it rolled in and out so quickly. It was gone in minutes! But it left over 600,000 homes without power in the Chicago suburbs for days (some poor people were without power for close to a week because they simply didn't have the man power to get to everyone quick enough.) Traffic lights were out, trees were down everywhere, it was such a mess. THANK GOD we did not lose power. Our nanny was here with the kids when it happened and said we lost it for just a few minutes but it came back on and remained on. I really was devastated for the people that were without A/C in the hot, humid temperatures for days, who lost everything in their fridge and freezers. If we had  more room I would have been taking people in. That's just a terrible situation, and to know that there is no guarantee of when they will be able to make it to your house because you are one of 600,000.
So I'm hoping and praying and wishing that with the thunderstorms we're getting tonight (and had last night) that they don't do anything like that. I almost feel guilty, like we escaped having to go through that hell and I really really don't want to have to. Our house is practically shaking from thunder and lightning is lighting up the entire room. Worse than any Arizona summer monsoon I've ever seen! So, keeping my fingers crossed. I don't mind storms but not when the thunder shakes the walls and rattles the windows! =/

Drew said something funny last night. Andrew tries to find movies for them to watch to break up the typical line up of Dora and Diego that we let them watch before bed time. So I come out of the bathroom from washing my face and the 3 of them are sitting in my bed watching The Adams Family! So I made a comment about it probably not being the best thing for them to watch especially before bed, and Drew says 'Nope, dad... We not watch this, it's too dangerous.'
I thought that was cute.
Well, apparently my 'quickie' blog turned into a sleepy rambling novel. But I really just wanted to get a few of the videos out there for Andrews dad since they didn't work on his phone. My little fishies. They are so tuckered out, and maybe.... just  maybe, they will sleep in a little bit for mom & dad in the morning!

I think the thunder is directly over our roof, and that the lightning is continuously hitting our deck. So I'm going to go hide under my pillow now!

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