Monday, July 4, 2011

Stars, Stripes, Fireworks and My American Girl

I took a lot of pictures yesterday... so this is going to end up being more of a picture blog.

My little American Girl

Yesterday we went to a 4th of July party. The weather was beautiful, great food, drinks and company.. and the kids had a blast. It was a fun day. By the end of the night our munchkins were tuckered out. (Mom & Dad were  pretty tired also!)

Drew & Ciera were SO cute. Playing together and walking around holding hands. (I did not mean to cut part of Ciera's head off, but they were walking towards me when I took the pic so it was a little closer than I had anticipated. Not claiming to be a professional photographer here! *And once again, forgot our new good camera, so all of these are from my phone.)
They are right around a week apart in age - born at the same hospital, within days of one another. I think I wound up having Emma and Drew on Molly's due date actually.

~ Buddies ~

Drew hangin' out with Dad.

They each wound up with different clothes on by the end of the night - between Drew deciding to step into the pool with his clothes on, Emma spilling a beer down the front of her (No, she was not drinking beer. I'm actually not sure how all of that went down exactly.) and.. she sat on a strawberry in white shorts....

Emma had fun playing with her little friend Kate

                                             Rolling around in the grass with the older boys....

Stacking the drink cups

Blowing bubbles with 'Reesa' (Teresa)
And... snacking on fruit kabobs!

The kids loved the little water fall/river thing in the backyard.

Drew, very amazed at the fireworks they were shooting off from behind the pool

Drew & his Pop

You would think from this picture that they jumped off the diving board. Nope. Poor Justin hung out down there waiting for her to jump off forever and she kept changing her mind. Eventually the final decision was a no.

There were a lot of delicious desserts, but this cake pretty much wound up being the little kids. And they all would walk by it and stick their fingers in it

Emma and Drew were able to stick it out for fireworks last night! Mission accomplished!! I really just wanted them to see fireworks this year, even if it was just for a few minutes. I thought they would really like it... and the night before they couldn't make it up late enough to see them. On our way home last night we stopped and watched them for about 10 minutes.

Drew & Daddy watching fireworks.

We have had a fun filled, sun filled, busy weekend. Andrew is golfing this morning and later this afternoon our friends Serena & Lee are bringing their daughter over to swim and grill - (She's Em & Drews age)

I'm really tired this morning... I could have slept in a little bit. But Emma and Drew obviously had other plans!

I hope everyone had a very happy, fun and safe 4th of July weekend.

Such a cute video clip of Drew & Ciera
(and Emma jumps in there at the end!)

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