Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"Love the Life you Live; Live the Life you Love"

We had such perfect weather for a long weekend. We had a very full (but fun) holiday weekend. Andrew was able to get a few rounds of golf in, we did a lot of hangin' by the pool, a 4th of July party, a summer festival, fireworks, bbq's...  And we were on the go all the way up until late Monday night. I really could have used one more day off - just to rest a little bit and get organized. I was tired last night! (Not to mention sleeping through my alarms this morning.) I had to apologize to our nanny when she arrived this morning that my kids will smell like sun screen and chlorine when they wake up because baths just did not happen last night. (and maybe a little bug spray) Emma crashed out before we even got home and Drew was getting there himself. I'm running around after toddlers all day, so it makes for a better excuse, but have you noticed that you can do nothing but relax in the sun - and at the end of the day you feel so drained and exhausted, just from the sun? After 4 straight days of it I was ready to collapse last night.

Monday our friends Serena & Lee and their daughter 'Fi' came to swim and grill.
They have been in my blog a few times so I'm sure I've mentioned it - but Serena and I went to college in Arizona together and years later both of us wound up living in the Chicago suburbs, and had babies around the same time.

Drew & Fi playing in the little pool. He is much more comfortable in the little pool. I'm not sure what happened between last summer and this summer, but he definitely was a much bigger fan of the pool last year. He goes in the pool and he will play on the steps, or let me push him around on a raft, but he is much more hesitant than he ever was.

Emma, Drew & Fi

Serena & Fi, floating around the pool. (She did have a swim suit on, I promise. We were not skinny dipping!)

Me & Emma

Serena & Emma hanging out in the baby pool (Which we had to dump pool water into every once in a while to cool it off - because the sun was heating it up so much it felt like a hot tub!)

I saw this car pool float at the store, and taking into consideration Drew's absolute LOVE for cars, I just had to get it for him. Well, he was really into it when it was sitting on the kitchen floor, but once it was in the pool he wasn't really so hot on the idea. So Emma and Fi played in it, which changed his mind a little bit. I think he still would have much rather it be on the ground outside of the pool though.

Emma cruisin' around the pool in her ride.

She must have looked like she was going to fall over or something - Look at all of the hands reaching out for her in this picture!!

Emma giving her Mimi kisses

Drew taking a spin 
My favorite little boy in the whole world.

“Palm trees, ocean breeze, salty air, sun kissed hair. That endless summer, take me there.”

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