Monday, July 25, 2011

'Like the moon in a bag'...

How was everyone's weekend?! Mine went by way too fast. They pretty much tend to always do that on me. Even when I take a Friday or a Monday off. Still flies right by me.
My cousin Will was here this weekend. (Or, my cousin 'ill' in Emma's words) The guys golfed, went into the city for a street festival, we grilled and hung out by the pool. The kids are pretty proud of themselves that they can swim 'by themselves' now. (With their life vests on, but they just don't need to be holding onto anyone or anything) They finally realized that was possible.

            My Little Fish!

In that first pic. of her on the left Drew was splish splashin' her. I love the dramatic face.

Emma & Drew loungin' around on Saturday morning:

Spending some time with Will

I thought this picture was cute - - Emma just floating around, hanging out with all her guys

So I think my blog has officially become a 'picture blog.' I've been using it as my electronic photo album,  with comments.

The other day Emma was telling me how much she loved me (she says I love you big, big, BIG much!) I then told her that I loved her all the way to the moon and back. She just sort of nodded and went along with it. The next day she comes up to me and says "Mommy... I love you like the moon in a bag!"
It took me a second to decipher, and then I laughed to myself. Funny girl...

We have Andrews parents in town this week (Emma and Drew's YiaYia and Papou). They arrive tomorrow and are here for a week, and the day after they leave we leave for Cape Cod!! I'm SO excited. That's definitely one of my all time favorite places and I always look forward to it. We always go in August... and this Summer I really made a conscious effort not to wish my summer away by looking forward to going too much.

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