Monday, August 1, 2011

YiaYia & Papou visit, baseball games, stickers, pony rides & lots of hugs

Andrews parents were here this week.. So they were able to spend some time with the kiddos. Andrew and his dad went to 2 Red Sox - White Sox games over the course of the weekend. And, Andrew and I will be going to a Red Sox/Yankee game at Fenway this weekend. (He's not a big Red Sox fan or anything....)

Drew hanging out with his Papou (Having home made blueberry, cinnamon vanilla Belgian waffles and checking out a pamphlet with cars. - that would keep him occupied for hours!)

YiaYia watching tv with Em, and helping Drew with his sticker project.

Saturday morning his mom & I had massage appointments, which was really really much needed. Every time I go to get a massage (which really isn't often enough) I wonder why I don't make myself go more often. This one was actually my mothers day gift. It's just so hard to find 'me' time these days, and even if I plan something, I always end up backing out or putting it off another day or week because something else comes up with the kids or something needs to be done at home or whatever. Or, I simply just want to hang out with Em & Drew. I try to take advantage of my nights and weekends with them since I don't get to see them during the day, during the week.
Saturday night we were going to go out, but decided not to, and had a nice night at home... We grilled, and relaxed and let Emma and Drew entertain us.
Matt & Shauna stopped by that night also, on their way home from dinner.

We took turns drawing portraits of each other on their chalkboard. Which, was pretty interesting....

Matt drawing Emma

This was Emma's drawing of Matt.

And, this would be Shauna. Looks just like her, doesn't it?!

Some serious art work going on here (and it was a group effort.)

Drew checking something out on Dads iphone. Those kids are beginning to be able to navigate on that thing better than I can.

Emma and Drew having a little craft time with their crayons and stickers on Sunday
Drew insisted on wearing his backpack around the house that day.

Sunday afternoon/evening we went down to the Taste of Lincoln Park street festival. They had lots of food, drinks, live music, etc...  They also had this little section for kids with jumpers and pony rides and stuff like that.

Emma riding the pony

Drew riding the pony.

I actually felt terrible for those poor ponies while I was walking around and around and around next to it, to make sure Emma didn't fall off. And just thinking that they raise these poor guys to do just that, guided by a metal bar. =(
But, the kids really had fun.

We're getting ready to go on vacation, and really really looking forward to it!!
I have lots of packing and organizing to do over the next few days. More like organizing the thoughts in my head. Traveling has definitely changed. I used to be able to throw my stuff together on short notice and jet. I know exactly what I need for a trip and could do it in no time. Now, traveling with little kids really throws a wrench in that... it takes planning.

Tonight I wanted to start getting some packing done (or organizing to start packing at least) and was super tired from a late night last night, so when I got home from work we ordered pizza. It's Andrews parents last day here. This is miss Emma waiting at the door for her Papou to come back when he went to get the pizza.

She wanted me to hold her up at the door so she could see, but she's getting to be a little hefty and I had a few things to get done, so I got her a little step ladder and she was perfectly content. Plus, she could do that all by herself and that's right up her ally these days. She's actually so grown up in her head lately that she literally fights me over wanting to drive the car when we're going somewhere. It's an argument almost every time we get in the car, that she wants to drive, and each time is actually quite disappointed when she's turned down.
Well, I'm off to do some more packing.... catch ya later!!

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