Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I must say.... this is THE MOST snow I have ever seen! And it is still coming down pretty steadily. We are literally snowed in. As in, there are several feet of snow drifts up against our doors and windows. The kids are amazed at our sliding glass door off the family room -

The snow level up against the door is as tall as the kids. They can barely see over it!  Emma has been asking me for her snow boots all morning, she wants to go out and play in it. Unfortunately, she would fall right through, and the snow is taller than her. I would lose them out there.
This is our front yard:

 And, the tree out back:
Streets are closed, stores are closed, businesses are closed. We are on serious lockdown. My crazy husband tried to go to the gym this morning, but they hadn't even tried plowing yet. Now that my friends, is motivation. Our car wasn't able to get very far, so he came back and tried the SUV, which high bottomed.  (is that what you call it?) I'm not very familiar with all of this weather. But it is kind of cool to experience. As long as you don't have to go anywhere. Which, I have no intention of going anywhere.
I do however have a lot of work to do today. The day would probably be a lot more fun if I didn't... but, that's ok. Maybe I can power through it quickly.
The good thing is we still have power. There are a lot of people that don't... and I feel really bad for them. I did make sure we had enough flash lights (and we have a space heater) just in case, but Andrew thinks we could light the entire city with my candles. =)
Ok, I like smelly candles, and I do have a few.

That's it for now... off to get some work done!

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! That is crazy! I can't believe that's your front yard.
