Sunday, February 27, 2011

Our 'girls day', and their 'boys day'

I'm sad that the weekend has already come to an end. Weekends seriously go by way to fast, as far as I'm concerned. Because once I get my grocery shopping and errands done, laundry, (All the not so fun stuff that's just necessary), it doesn't usually leave enough play time. Even when I take Fridays off and have a 3 day weekend, I still don't find it long enough. Oh well... I guess I'll just have to deal with it until I retire.

Today the girls had a girls day, and the boys had a boys day!
Andrew and my dad were going to some golf convention thing, and they took Drew man. So, Emma, my mom and I had a girls day! We were very brave, and we took her to the movies. And... She was GREAT! She did really well, she sat through the entire movie, and was quiet (for the most part... she didn't quite understand that there were other people watching the movie with us.) We took her to see Gnomio and Juliet. It was cute, and apparently it entertained her enough to sit through it. Not necessarily a movie that my mom and I were really excited to see, but it was all about her anyway. It was a success. Drew would have never been able to sit through a movie. He's a total boy.... he has to be climbing and running and jumping, etc... He absolutely can not sit in one place and concentrate on a cartoon on tv, let alone a 2 hour movie. Which is really why we have never even considered taking them to a movie. But we thought just having Emma with us by herself today was a good opportunity to give it a shot and see how she did. She loved it!

Yes.... The popcorn was as big as her. The 3 of us shared it, but she definitely enjoyed having it in her lap.
When I left the theater to go buy popcorn, I whispered to Emma that I was going to get popcorn and would be right back... and when she saw me coming back into the theater and up the stairs she yelled "Mommy!! Good job! You did it!! You got popcorn!!" So I'm sure the rest of the movie theater was wondering why I wouldn't be competent enough to get popcorn. But, it was cute. She was proud of me, apparently.

She was all set up with her sippy cup in the cup holder.

Here are the pictures that I received on my phone from 'boys day.' I swear they did go to a golf convention at some point today.
 Don't judge.

Drew was having a little bit of a rough day. I think it might be allergies or something... He had red, watery eyes and had the sneezes. And it made him a little bit grumpy this morning. He definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed. So it was probably a good day for him to spend with Daddy and pop, because he tends to really play it up around me. He's got me pegged. But it looks like he cheered up. =)
So when he sneezes, and he needs a tissue, he asks me for a 'bleshyou.' He thinks that's what tissues are called. Pretty close... I can see where he would have made that connection and gotten it a little confused.

The pipsqueak eating dinner tonight. I tried to get Drew but he's been very against me taking his pictures lately, when he sees the camera he quickly turns his head, so the pictures turns into a big blur.

So, some of you may have seen my facebook status about Emma telling me to 'calm down', but she has a few new things she's been saying a lot to me lately. One, when I was giving her a little lecture the other day about not saying 'gimme that' when she wants something, she told me to calm down. And she has since said it a few times in different scenarios, but the one she likes even more, is "Don't worry." But it's usually when I'm telling her not to do something, or asking her what she's getting in to. Her answer is "Mom, don't worry about it." I heard a crinkling noise when she was in the room next to me this morning and yelled in "Emma... what are you doing?" and her answer was "don't worry bout it mama." Or she was running down the hall at the movie theater today trying to find another movie to go into because she didn't want to go home, and when I told her to stop running from me she said 'no... don't worry...' and mumbled something else as she continued down the hallway.
They crack me up sometimes.

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