Monday, January 31, 2011

Our Western Shindig - Emma and Drew's 2nd birthday party

This weekend was busy, to say the least. But fun. We had Em and Drew's 2nd birthday party, and the days leading up to it, I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off getting everything ready and organized. Anything to make this thing go off without a hitch, and give my munchkins the best birthday party ever! They had a total blast, so my goal was accomplished. Lots of Sugar (Cake icing), lots of really cool new presents, lots of friends... what's not to like about it?!
Sorry about the lengthy post - but I have a LOT of pictures to share. And actually, (Believe it or not)... This is really just a few of the pictures that were taken yesterday. We have hundreds (thanks mom!)

So it was a Western/cowboy/cowgirl theme. It was fun to decorate and dress up for... and everyone got really into it! Here are just a few pictures before the party started.... (Before all of the craziness!)

 My Cowboy!
I think he's a pretty cute cowboy if you ask me....

 My little cowboy & cowgirl... (Drew refused to keep his cowboy hat on, so his outfit was just a little incomplete for the majority of the day.)

 Drew with Aunt 'Cha cha'
 Andrew with his yia yia and sister Amy

 Drew and aunt Jo-Jo!

 Emma & uncle Matt - being silly. Always!
 Emma & "Baby Fi". This is pretty funny... Emma and Ffion are about 3 months apart, and have spent a lot of time together, but Emma has always referred to Fi as 'the baby.'

 I got this gigantic cupcake thing for the kids (and really, it was probably 60% icing, but oh well, once a year, right?) So actually all of the kids wound up just digging in and going to town on it!
 Emma & Drew with Mimi
 They kept feeding eachother cake
 My mom and her girls!
 This car was such a hit! (Thanks Tracy and Bryan!)
This was one of their presents, and Drew wound up just driving around the party the rest of the day. He crashed into walls a few times, but eventually he started to get the hang of the steering wheel and brake.
I just wanted to try to capture the total chaos that was going on when we were opening presents. This doesn't even do it justice.

Thank you to everyone that joined us yesterday for making their birthday so special! We had so much fun!

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