Friday, February 25, 2011

Lunch date with Mimi

Today I took a day off, and stayed home with my kiddos. I love days like that. Spending the day with my munchkins is my favorite thing to do. Even if we just hang around at home... there is nowhere I'd rather be. I will say that some days are more trying than others depending on how it goes, because they are both entering the "I'm 2 and independent, and don't have to do what you tell me to" phase. And when they get in those moods, it can be rough, especially when I'm outnumbered. But some days are just totally fun. I guess it all depends on how well we all sleep the night before!
They are just at a really funny age right now, and one thing we can always count on is laughing. There are times that we don't want them to see us or know we are laughing at what they are doing, because we don't necessarily want to encourage it, but it's hilarious, so we have to turn our heads and try not to laugh. Like a few nights ago when Drew was taking a nap on the couch during dinner (He hadn't taken a nap during the day, so he crashed around dinner time) and we had to keep telling Emma to leave him alone and let him sleep, only to walk in and find her sitting there putting Sesame Street bandaids on his face. Poor kid. But surprisingly he didn't wake up!
Or when they call me Lauren, or ask me where 'Anjew' is? That's how they pronounce Andrew's name. They shouldn't even BE pronouncing Andrews name, I have to remind them that he is 'Daddy' as far as they are concerned. Or when we're walking around the grocery store and they have to point out every woman with gray hair and loudly announce "Look! A grandma!" All of them have a different reaction. Some find it funny, and some... not so much. The other day Andrew was vacuuming in the kitchen, and Emma was watching a movie in the family room. She comes into the kitchen, with a very serious look on her face, waving her finger at Andrew and telling him to stop vacuuming because it's too loud and she's watching a movie. Our nanny was telling us the other day that something was on TV where the people were doing yoga, and had their legs stuck behind their heads. Drew turned to her and said "I hate when that happens." Where do they get this stuff?!?!
And at just 2 years old, Emma feels that she is completely competent enough to order for herself at restaurants. She actually does a pretty good job. We took the kids to Red Robbin last week and when the server came up to introduce himself and probably take a drink order, Emma just stood up and started shouting out her dinner orders at him. It was pretty funny. Once we went through the Walgreens drive through and Emma started ordering nuggets and fries out the window. Apparently she thought we were at a fast food drive thru? When we talk about boys & girls, and teach the kids that mommy & Emma are girls, Daddy and Drew are boys, etc... Drew is always pretty certain that he is a truck. Funny stuff. Every day is an adventure with them, and it seems like every day they do something to make us laugh.
(I'm not going to lie, usually every day they do something to frustrate me also, but at least we have the laughs to balance it out.)
Anyway, back to today.
The kids and I took our time this morning getting out of the house. Just to be clear, that does not mean we slept in... because god knows I was not lucky enough for that. But, once we were up, we hung out, had some waffles and 'na-na's' watched some cartoons, and then got dressed and ready to go. We went to Costco and after shopping met my mom for lunch.

Drew has been very generous with his kisses lately. Before this picture, he wanted to give my mom a kiss, and she wasn't looking at him so he grabbed her by the nose and pulled her face towards him.

Check out the attitude on that face.

They gave the kids some push up italian ice thing

Messy, but happy boy!

This was earlier this morning, when I was getting them ready to leave. They love wearing my sunglasses.... and I keep a few pair on my dresser (My back ups!) and I always find the kids with a pair on their face.

This was earlier this week... I took a pic to show my sister one of the shirts she got for him.

And.... meanwhile, Emma had fallen asleep in her little recliner. She was tuckered out that afternoon.

So this is random, but, I got new rugs for our master bathroom today. We used to have a chocolate brown shaggy (sorta) type rug in there that we took out a few months ago and I've been meaning to put something else in there but I never think about it when I'm out.
These were kind of different....

Sometime last year I added a red bamboo vase to add a little color, so the rugs pull it together. Because when I picked out the paint for the wall when we first bought it and were moving in... I didn't quite realize that I pretty much picked the exact color as the tile in the bathroom and the tub! So it was one big blended beige blah. So I've been trying to add color to pop. Anyway, this is the red vase/bamboo behind the tub that hopefully matches the new rugs.

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