Saturday, February 5, 2011

Weekend Days...

Our kids basically spend every waking moment together (and sleeping I guess for that matter...) If one of them wakes up, and the other is still asleep, they are determined to wake them up one way or another. And, they play together, eat together, watch movies together, take trips to mimi & pops together, etc....
So lately we felt that it might be a good idea to separate them every once in a while, to be able to give them their own time, without the other. I actually really like doing this, because they are at a stage right now where they both want constant mommy or daddy attention, and they don't quite understand that they have to share. That's tough sometimes. I like to be able to have one-on-one time with each of them.
They are both coming down with little colds, so we're taking it easy this weekend. (back to my earlier point, they even get sick together!!)
This morning, Emma and I went grocery shopping, and Drew and daddy stayed home and did their boy stuff.
She always tries to steal my list when I'm shopping, and then it ends up getting scribbled all over, and ripped up. She was absolutely insisting that she needed her list, so I gave her a piece of paper and pen to make her own list. This was after she helped me put the apples into the produce baggie, one at a time, counting them. She then proceeded to wander through the produce and bakery section convincing me that I needed everything. That's how she wound up back in the cart.
Emma busy writing her 'list':

Shopping can be so exhausting....

 She took a quick snooze after our first stop, on our way to Costco. I think she may have fallen asleep mid-singing. This child is musically amazing! Seriously, she can hear a song once, and sing it back to you with the exact pitch, tune, words, everything. Including songs on the top 20 stations on XM. Not really on her level... I mean I would understand if she could sing along to Sesame Street or Blues Clues, which she can, but when she knows all of the words to songs that I don't even remember hearing all that often on the radio, that amazes me.

Later in the afternoon Drew and I decided to take a walk and play around in the snow. I haven't really let them out to play in the snow since the infamous blizzard, not only because the snow was so deep that they would probably completely sink into it and I would lose them, but the temperatures have been sooooo cold, I wanted to wait until the conditions were a little better. So, I bundled him up really good and off we went. It was actually a really pretty day today, the sun was shining on the snow and it wasn't unbearably cold or windy.

 The snow drifts and plowed piles aren't nearly as bad as they were earlier this week, but as you can see in that picture, it still comes up pretty high on each side of him.

~ My little Buddy ~

These are just a few pics from earlier this week, that I put on facebook, but again, for all of my non facebookers -
I think this was one of the days we were either snowed in, or chose to be snowed in ; )
Emma loungin', catching up on the Chipmunks

So what's everyone doing for the Super Bowl?! We're going to a friends super bowl party that we've gone to the last few years. I'm trying a new recipe to bring, it's called 'strawberry cheesecake supreme dip' - it's a dip that has strawberries, cream cheese, vanilla, orange liquor, sugar, sour cream, (a few other things that I can't think of off the top of my head) all blended together and chilled, and I'm going to serve it with apple slices and graham cracker sticks, maybe some cinnamon pita chips - as the dippers. I will let you guys know how it turns out! Sounds pretty good though!

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