Saturday, February 12, 2011


We're just getting over the sickies in our house.... Emma and Drew were pretty sick all week. It turns out they had Croup. I took them to the doctor on Tuesday, after a long weekend of high fevers, bad little coughs and runny noses. So, there wasn't much we could do for them that we hadn't already been doing... It just has to run it's course. I felt so bad for them though... I was almost wishing when I brought them in that they would say it was something that could be treated with medicine. But to hear that you can't do anything (Other than the vaporizer, honey, etc..) was a little frustrating. So we're doing much better now. Still a little bit congested, but the fevers are gone and the cough has subsided. They don't sleep very well when they are sick, so I have been running on very little sleep this week.

Last night the munchkins got this yummy Valentine package from 'Marney & Popp" (My grandparents), their great grands. You've probably never heard of 'marney' as a grandma term have you?! That would be their version of 'Nanny' a year or so ago, and it just sort of stuck...
These cookies were amazing. (Yeah... they shared a little bit with mommy)

As I'm typing this right now, they are both snoozin'
I took Drew to the store with me this morning, and agreed to let him pick out one toy if he was good. So after spending 25 minutes in the 'truck and car' toy aisle, and he couldn't make up his mind, I agreed to 2 (which was still difficult for him to choose) but, eventually we were able to agree on 2 and leave. So, he's napping with the school bus and motorcycle that he got. He refused to take a nap without them.

She is crashed on the couch.

Before she fell asleep, watching TV. I'm pretty sure it was E news or something...

That's about it. We've been laying low, trying to get these kiddos better. I think we're about there. They've been doing much better the last few days.


  1. YAY! I learned how to post comments on here! Aren't you proud of me?

    LOVE those kids.
    Glad they are feeling better but not happy with them for giving their colds to me.

  2. Good to see the kids are feeling better. First time commenting. Hope it works. Enjoy seeing and hearing about the lastest on your blog.
