Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Crafts, lip gloss and a crockpot recipe

Today on my way home from work, I swung by target and grabbed a few things for the kiddos. Re-stocking the craft supply is always a must. I'm really not sure what happens to all of their crayons, they are like socks in the dryer, but the crayons seem to disappear much faster. Some of them break, and god only knows what happens to the rest. I'm sure some of them get thrown away (I always find things in the trash that don't belong in there.) Same with the toilet, the oven, kitchen drawers... laundry baskets are a big one. I can't just scoop the laundry out of the laundry baskets anymore and dump it into the washer, because you would be surprised at some of things I have found myself throwing into the washer that get put in the laundry baskets.
But anyway, long story short (or short story long at this point) We have a big bucket of crayons, and I swear I end up adding to it monthly. They love stickers, so I was on a hunt for some good stickers also.
So... Re-stock our craft supply; we did!!
It kept them occupied for a little bit - Here are my artists, busy at work tonight before dinner.

I didn't let them get into too much - because we had to have dinner, do baths and the whole bed time routine. So, when I'm home with them on Friday we'll get into it.

I also got Emma her first lip gloss of her own. She's always getting into my chap sticks and lip glosses, so I figured I'd get her one that she can do whatever she wants to do with.... and not have to worry about her messing up mine. How much do you want to bet she still wants mine? Yeah.....
But, for now she was happy with her Bubblegum Lip Smackers (I also got her a cupcake, but we'll save that one for another day.)

You can excuse her hair in that picture. I'm not really sure what was going  on with it there.

Drew, with his race car stickers. He loved those. He's such a boy.... totally into cars and trucks.
And girls, apparently. Our nanny takes them to a toddler play group that is organized by a bunch of moms at her church, and apparently Drew has a girlfriend in the play group. So, they actually went today, and he was able to hang with his girl. Her name is Asha. Brianne says that he asks to see pictures of Asha on her phone, usually the day after their play date.

I tried a new crockpot recipe today, and we liked it.
It was easy, quick prep, and then you can forget about it for 10 hours. I love that kind of cookin'! Dinner was ready as soon as I walked in the door from work.

So, if anyone is interested - it was a pot roast recipe - here it is:

Put the pot roast in the bottom of the crock pot
Slice up an onion, carrots (or I just used a handful of baby carrots, which didn't require cutting) and a few potatoes, cut up into large cubes.
Put the veggies on top of the meat.
Mix together the following ingredients, and pour it over the meat & veggies, and cook on low for 10 hours.
Mix together: 2 cans of cream of celery soup (I used fat free), a packet of onion soup mix, beef broth (I also used fat free beef broth) I just dumped in the whole can, 1/4 cup of steak sauce, salt and pepper.

I always like to find easy, week night recipes that also taste really good, and when I find good ones, I will share them!

1 comment:

  1. I love that Emma is 100% girl, and Drew 100% boy. They are so cute!
