Saturday, January 8, 2011

The weekend lazies

I LOVE weekend days that we don't have to be somewhere, or have plans the entire weekend. It usually means catching up around the house for me...
Today I took down all of the Christmas decorations. I'm a little late, but I haven't had a chance to yet. So the house is starting to resemble a normal house again, if that's possible with two toddlers.

Andrew dropped the Jeep off for an oil change and tire rotation this morning, and when the kids and I drove him back over to pick the car up (Which is really only a few blocks from where we live, but it's cold.) Emma was extremely, extremely disappointed when we pulled back into the driveway. She was very adamant that she wanted to go bye-bye's, and did not want to go back home. She obviously does not share my appreciation of the rare weekend day spent at home.
So, of course, Andrew and I look at each other, meanwhile she is yelling from the backseat that we're going bye byes and we decide to run to the store, as it was probably a bit more productive than driving around the neighborhood to please Emma.
What was Drew doing? Playing with Andrew's gym shoe in the backseat, quiet as a mouse the whole time. Oh, except for the occasional "What happened?" - his new favorite thing to say.
And might I add, since we were only planning on dropping the jeep off at the oil place, I was in slippers, the kids were in jammies.
Andrew and my dad are going to the Bulls/Celtics game tonight, so I've got a date with my munchkins. I'm sure we'll have fun.
Right now they are napping and I really should be taking advantage of this time and doing laundry or something more productive than blogging and catching up on my celebrity trash magazines... so I'll catch ya later.

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