Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This and That....

Our nights tend to be pretty busy. After being at the office all day, I get home and then my job really starts, as M.O.M. And believe it or not, it's much more demanding than working all day. Takes lots of energy, which I'm usually running low on towards the end of the day. So I've learned to really channel that 'second wind' on my way home from work, because it is absolutely necessary!
So I decided to snap a few pics of what an average night around our house is like last night. Believe it or not, it was pretty uneventful (which is not always the case) but this is the general routine.

While I was in the kitchen making dinner, Emma and Drew were doing a work out video with daddy. (Which by the way, I have to commend my disciplined and very motivated husband for getting up at an ungodly hour every morning to go to the gym - ahem, 3:15 am!, and then being able to work out at home after work also.)
So, sometimes the kids like to get into the action ....
Drew lifting hand weights

Jumping jacks!

So, I'm supposed to do what with my arms and legs at the same time?! Don't worry Em, sometimes I get that look on my face when I'm doing this type of work out video myself.....

Love that sweet face!

So then we had dinner, and moved up to the bath tub. Bath time is one of their favorite things. Not to mention that they have a million bath toys and love to splash water ALL over the place, soaking the bathroom, and mommy in the process. I usually resemble a wet dog once bath time is over. And I would say the majority of the time I end up having to change my clothes, once again.

These pictures make me laugh though, looking at them now. While I'm not standing there getting splished and splashed.

They are crazy.

So moving on.... now that we're all jammied up, I let them jump into my bed for a little bit to settle down and watch their 'good night show', which is referred to by them as "Nina time". Nina is the realllllly annoying girl that hosts the good night show on sprout. Andrew seriously can't stand to watch her, and what he refers to as her 'crazy eyes.' 
But, it does the trick.They are like in a trance watching this stupid show.

She had to move around me, apparently I was in her way trying to take her picture. She gets very annoyed at that if she's busy. If she's in the mood for pictures however, it's a whole different story. Then she's a total ham. If she sees a camera she smiles and says "Mommy, Cheese!!!" while striking a pose. Even if you had no intention of taking her picture.

And, a goodnight kiss. They are besties.

This morning while I was getting ready for work, I walked by the guest bedroom and found Drew working very intensely on the computer -

I don't think he noticed (or cared) that it was turned off?

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