Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy Birthday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my two most favorite little people in this world. Emma and Andrew are TWO today! Where does time go?!
We are having a big party for them next weekend... but definitely had to do something for them today, on their actual birthday.
I took the day off to hang out with them all day, and last night after they went to bed I played the *Birthday Fairy.*

On this ONE day a year.... they were allowed to have cake for breakfast! So we did a miniature cake, and they loved it. The big cake comes next weekend at their party.

They  have been singing 'Happy Birthday' to each other all morning. And when you ask them whose birthday it is, they will point to the other one. Not quite sure they totally understand yet, but we are getting there. So my dad called this morning to say Happy Birthday to them, and I put him on speaker... When he said Happy Birthday to Emma, she responded "Happy Birthday Pop!!!" hmmm?
One of Emma's balloons has Tinkerbell on it, and she keeps referring to it as 'the lady.'
And Drew thinks 'birthday' is 'cake.' He doesn't understand that it is a day. So when I ask him "Who's birthday is it?!" he says "birthday all gone, I ate it."

Last night Drew got a hair cut. He's a pro at it now... I think this was his 5th haircut. Andrew just brings him to the same place he goes. But he knows the routine... he knows where to go when we walk in, and he jumps right up into the chair. And when we were leaving last night, they both said "Bye Rachael!!" She does all of our hair... Mine, Andrews, Drews, my  moms, sisters, Matts.... Emma has yet to have a haircut, because with her curls her hair bounces up and would be pretty short if I got it cut.

So... more birthday fun to come. Andrew and I were trying to think of a place to take them tonight when he gets off work to go for dinner, that's kid friendly... and that they would actually enjoy and have fun instead of being restricted to a booster seat and crayons. Unfortunately, I think the only place that matches our criteria is ChuckyCheese. Ugh..... We both cringe at the fact of having to go there, but, I think that's where they would have the most fun, so we will probably just have to suck it up. I think Dave and Busters is way too old for them, but there isn't anything in between. So we'll do that tonight when daddy gets home.


  1. Happy birthday to your two little tykes, Lauren (and Andrew). LOVE the birthday stories - they are at such a cute age. Have fun!!!

  2. Happy birthday Drew and Emma! Auntie Amy misses you but will see you soon. Thanks again for these updates Lauren.
