Thursday, January 27, 2011

Locks of Love

I have been debating for a LONG time over cutting my hair. Not just a little trim, but major hair cut, in order to cut enough to donate to Locks of Love and still have enough hair to keep. It drives my poor husband absolutely nuts because every 3 or 4 months I get this wild idea that I'm going to cut all of my hair off, and will continue to ask him his opinion over and over until he eventually says that he's tired of this same conversation, since I have been talking about it forever and I never actually do it.

I have always loved the thought of Locks of Love, which is an organization that accepts donated hair to make wigs and hair pieces for little kids with cancer.
I strongly encourage that anyone considering a major hair cut check this out and consider it.
You do have to donate a minimum of a 10 inch pony tail.

So.... Today I took the plunge! I was ready for a big change, and I was tired of my hair. It takes forever to wash, comb out, dry, straighten, it's long, heavy, hot in the summer, I have been sitting on it lately, and it catches behind my back and gets stuck often, my kids use it as a 'rope' to pull themselves up off the ground with. So, I had just had enough and was ready.
I wound up donating 14 inches of hair for a little girl to have a beautiful pony tail some day.
 Here are a few 'before' pictures. My mom and sister came with me, and my mom was the photographer...

separating into smaller pony tails

And, now there is no turning back!

 There was so much hair, we had to divide it into four pony tails -

And.... What I have had several requests to see - - - The 'after' pictures!

So... What do you guys think?!?!
I don't even remember when my hair was this short last, if ever.
What I'm absolutely looking forward to most, is the time it will save me! And for those of you multi tasking moms out there, you know how valuable time is! You can not even place a value on time, and that extra half hour that I no longer have to add on to my morning routine is priceless!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Lauren, I love it! You must have been SO nervous to take this step, but it was for a good cause and the new short hair is adorable on you!!! :o)
