Friday, January 7, 2011

A day on the slopes

We decided to take the kiddies sledding for their first time a week or so ago. So, we got them all bundled up in their snow suits, snow boots, mittens, hats, you name it! Andrew and I, my dad, and the kids went over the Lake Barrington Shores golf course because the guys already had a 'good hill' scoped out on the back end of one of the holes.

The first time or so down the hill, they LOVED it!! Big smiles and all.

The second time Emma went down with Andrew, she was sprayed in the face with some snow when he attempted braking by putting his foot down, and that was it for her. Done. She absolutely refused to go again, and stood at the bottom of the hill making sure we were all 'ok' every time we came down. She was very concerned. "Drew, you ok?" "Pop, you ok?" "Daddy... you ok?"

And her face quickly changed to something like this:
 But Drew absolutely loved it and was really upset when it was time to go home. He wanted to go again and again and again, until our legs were burning from pulling him up that hill on his sled.

Now, if you ask Emma if she liked sledding, she will tell you "YEA!!!!"
Those of us that were witness to it, know better. But, I'm sure we'll give it another try before the winter ends.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea to start a blog, Lauren! I love blogging and will follow yours. Your kiddos are just TOO CUTE!!! xo
