Monday, January 17, 2011

Go Bears!!

My husband is a BIG bears fan, can you tell?

Hahah.... those were taken after a few too many (probably) cocktails during the game yesterday. Disclaimer: There was a sober parent in the house, that would be me.

This one is pretty funny, with the jacket, gloves and santa hat. (As Andrews aunt pointed out when I posted it on facebook a while ago) I didn't even notice.
He has actually been a Bears fan since he was little, it had nothing to do with moving here. So that was just a plus! Now he actually gets to go to the games. (Thanks D&R!!!)

He's the kind of 'intense fan' that you probably don't want to talk to for the rest of the day if they lose.
But yesterday was a good day around our house, obviously.

And then he dresses our kids up for every game:
(Oh, excuse Emma's hair in the first few, I was out of town and hair is sort of moms job. But considering, dad did a pretty good job for it being one of his firsts. He was going for function, not fashion.)

 All geared up for the game
 Wow... this was one of the very first games of the season, out by the pool!

1 comment:

  1. So true about Andrew finally getting to go to games. It still trips me out to visit and see people wearing Bears stuff and to see Bears signs in restaurants and bars. I'm used to my family wearing that stuff and that's it.
