Saturday, January 22, 2011

Birthday Continued...

I am sure we will have a few "Birthday continued" posts on here by the time this month comes to a close. Because we haven't even gotten to their birthday party yet. Which by the way I think is going to be really cute... We are doing a Western/Cowboy/Cowgirl theme. I've been having fun shopping for the decorations and their little outfits & hats.
So yesterday for their birthday, They had cake for breakfast (eek!!), and later in the day we went to my parents (Mimi & Pop's)...
Some more presents....

 She is pretty much always coloring....

 And... the second cake of the day! (It looks like Em is trying to figure out how she can color it.)

Then, Chuck E Cheese. Yes... we bucked up and dealt with it.... It's definitely not my favorite place in the world, and I am easily annoyed by places like that... but I will do (pretty much) anything to make my munchkins happy. And, we succeeded. They  had a lot of fun.

 Drew loved this little car, he probably rode it 6 times.

Funny story. We take them to an indoor play place called "Monkey Joe's" - and they have bouncers, slides, etc.. This was their first time at Chuck E Cheese, so I think Emma was just a little confused. When the ChuckE Mouse-thing character came out and was walking around, Emma was following him around calling him "Monkey Cheese." because she is used to monkey joe's. I thought that was pretty funny. And no matter how many times you corrected her, she was going to call him monkey cheese anyway.

You don't have to get Drew presents, just boxes!

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