Tuesday, January 18, 2011

** Snow **

I posted a few of these pictures on facebook yesterday.... so there may be a few duplicates for the facebookers.
I worked from home yesterday, and at lunch time Emma, Drew and I brought lunch to my dad. He is still stuck in rehab with his knees... but he is hell bent on getting out of there. He should be released to go home soon.
So on our way back home, snow just started dumping on us. I took a few of these pictures (Not while I was driving.... while I was stopped. Mom.) But it was pretty nasty out there.

 This is the park we go to in the nicer weather.... =(
For now we'll have to stick with the indoor playgrounds.
 Our street:
By the time we got home, Drew was sleeping, so that's why I only have Emma pictures. We had an impromptu 'play in the snow' when we got home, because when I got her out of the car in the garage, instead of going inside she ran out to play in the snow. She wasn't very well equipped.... so after a few minutes of her insisting that she had to stay outside in the snow, I put her snowboots and hat on.

I was freezing my butt off, so after about 20 minutes I had to bribe her to go inside (with M&M's). She calls them "yum yums." The first time she had an M&M that was the closest she could get to saying it, so it just kind of stuck. But an M&M will get them to do just about anything. I use them sparingly though... but they are very powerful around our house.

These are pictures of my munchkins earlier that morning when it first started to snow. It snows quite a bit (obviously) but each time it starts to snow for the first time in a few days, or a week, they both get really excited and want to watch it... They say 'It's knowing.' Close enough....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry Lauren, didn't mean to delete my comment. Just wanted to say thanks so much for sharing the pics an stories since i'm not a facebooker. The kids are adorable as always and your stories are too funny!
