Monday, March 21, 2011

Playin' a little Ball

This weekend we took Emma and Drew to swim again at the indoor pool. Since.... we're still not even close to being able to swim outside. It's just not the same, but... They still have a lot of fun anyway! I don't have pictures because I jumped in the pool with them this time.
But, after swimming, we were leaving the gym and Andrew went into the basketball court to shoot a few hoops. Who knew we had a future baller on our hands?!?!
Drew absolutely had a blast running up and down the court throwing the ball around. He also really likes to watch basketball games with his dad. He gets excited when I turn the TV on and a basketball game is on.

Shooting hoops with dad.
Or as Emma would say "Get buckets!"
Since the basketball was a little big for them, a guy that works at the gym came by and gave them each a smaller, lighter weight ball,
But..... Drew wanted no part of it.
He was going to stick with the big boy ball. Emma, on the other hand, was content with her little bouncy ball.

They had the entire gym to themselves and had so much fun. Drew was NOT happy about having to leave. When we were leaving, he kept trying to go back. His YiaYia and Papou (Andrews parents) got them a little basketball hoop, which we will set up when it gets a little warmer outside. So, it appears that will be a hit!

After that, we went to my parents for the traditional Irish dinner - My mom made corned beef, potatoes, irish soda bread... It was very good. And, Drew, our little Irish man loved the corned beef! That surprised me. I didn't think they would be into it, but he ate a bunch! He's a much more adventurous eater than Emma. Emma likes to stick to the basics. And if you let her, she would eat bread every day, for every meal.

Here are a few random pictures from over the weekend...
Emma was insisting on wearing her winter hats and mittens around the house - and, a little tu-tu skirt over her clothes. Looked very interesting together. And actually, this is her brothers hat. She kept getting into the drawer that we keep all of the hats and gloves in - and came out in a different hat and pair of mittens each time.
She's showing her WY Cowboy pride

She loves putting on her 'makeup'. Drew likes it too.... but I try to convince him otherwise. He doesn't quite understand yet.
Sunday was a rainy day.... They were watching it rain from the window in their bedroom. The window sits low, and is perfect height for them. Drew likes to watch the street, for school buses and trucks to go by. Although our street is fairly quiet, so he gets pretty excited when it has any traffic. And he loves watching the garbage truck come by and collect trash... or the landscapers. He's into that stuff.
And that's about it! It was a relaxing weekend... Mommy and Daddy were able to go out to dinner Saturday night. And, the remainder of the weekend, Andrew was pretty much glued to College Basketball games! But that's ok.


  1. Yay b-ball! And Emma with that hat on his hilarious. How cute! Can't wait to see them again. Thanks for sharing.

  2. All right. Get them started young with a basketball in their hand! Great photos again Lauren. It is so nice staying in touch with your blog, the webcam, the phone, etc. Helps us out between visits which is next week again! Hoo ray! Can't wait. Thanks for doing this.
