Friday, March 4, 2011


I was home with the kids today... We just sort of hung out. It was rainy, with thunder storms, and we decided to stay in. At first, two monsters woke up and came out of bed this morning, and I was starting to worry that the day wouldn't go so well. But, they came around eventually (well, kinda). We had a few cranky times during the day.
They watched The Chipmunks movie, and Ice Age, all cozy in their jammies, because there was no reason to get dressed right away.

I was running around the house trying to straighten up a bit (doing the whole cleaning for the cleaning lady routine) and had some laundry to do. I was walking through every few minutes and came back to crashed out kiddies.

So, that's exactly where they took their naps today. I wasn't about to try to move them upstairs and into their beds at that point.
They look like angels when they are sleeping, but I promise, this morning they were the furthest thing from it.
I have to say, aside from it being really fun and rewarding the majority of the time, being a mom is a really tough job sometimes. I'm struggling with the discipline factor right now. I don't want to come across as mean, or like I don't care, or hurt their feelings but I also don't want to create spoiled brats. And they definitely know how to work me, already... which is scary. So, I really need to start being a little bit more firm and putting my foot down, following through on disciplining when I give the ultimatum, or when I actually get to '3' when I say that I'm going to count to 3. But it breaks my heart.

Check out Drew's new shoes....

my little man

Not exactly sure what he was trying to do here

Miss Emma

The corner of our living room is beginning to resemble a parking lot -

We've got a bus, a few cars, a pony, doll stroller, lawn mower, vacuum...
Drew is absolutely obsessed with vacuuming. Whenever he heard the vacuum, he would stop what he was doing and immediately go find who was vacuuming and watch, and then try to play with it when we were done. So, we got him his own little miniature junior dirt devil. It's cute, it totally looks just like ours and has little foam beads that swirl around inside when you turn it on. So he is always busy vacuuming. That or mowing. Because our carpet and hardwood require a lot of mowing apparently.

Tonight when Andrew got home from work we had our favorite Chinese food delivered, and had some wine. (And the kids were totally exhausted and hangin out in our bed, so we actually had a few minutes of quiet.)
And that's exactly what I needed at the end of this day, and week. I really didn't feel like making dinner, or going anywhere, and that was perfect.
We usually order pizza on Friday nights, but we did that already earlier this week... apparently I wasn't too into making dinner this week.

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