Monday, March 28, 2011

Birthday Cake

I wrote this last night, and just as I was going to post it, Andrew turned off the wireless router, thinking that I was asleep. And... I was too tired to go in and turn it back on, so, here it is.

Today we started Andrew's birthday celebration. Birthdays seem to go on for a while around here. But, I think that's pretty normal, right? Seems like it. My parents will be out of town on his actual birthday, so we had his birthday dinner at their house tonight. Andrew's parents arrive tomorrow and they will be here for the week.

I pulled the kids around my parents basement in their wagon for a little bit - they love it. Their finished basement has sort of become the kids hang out these days, and when they get there and see all of their toys that they had forgotten about, it's like their birthday or Christmas all over again! So, it keeps them entertained. I can't wait until it's nice enough out to take them for walks outside... and not in circles around the basement! But, we're gettin' there I think. It was actually gorgeous out today - sunny, not a cloud in the sky but still a little cold. I am ready for Summer though.

 My munchkins in their ride...
Emma decided to take a break and read her book in the wagon.

Me and my Ems playing around - trying to get a decent picture. There were quite a few of these, and we never actually wound up getting a good one.


Emma gets really excited when it's time to do birthday cake - and no matter who's birthday it is, she thinks its her job to do the cake part. Can you tell?!?!

And... You may be wondering where my Drew man was during all of this - well....

Totally crashed out in Mimi and Pops bed. He didn't take his normal nap earlier in the day, and he started to fall asleep in his dinner, so I moved him into the bed.

But, he joined us a little bit later - as a Happy  Boy!

Ok so maybe not totally awake yet...
This next one just cracks me up!

1 comment:

  1. Drew looks like he wants to say get thaw camera outta my face I just woke up
