Thursday, March 31, 2011

Daddy's Birthday

So, what do you think of my 'Easter' blog makeover?!

And, Andrew's birthday continues... (Hey... I warned you.) We like birthdays around here.
Andrews parent's were able to be here for his birthday, which, they haven't been with him on his actual birthday in a long time, so that was nice.
I made his favorite dinner tonight, and we had cake. We are going to go out on Saturday night by ourselves for his bday, and his parents will stay with the kiddos.
I was pretty proud of myself... I made him a homemade cake. Which, I can not really even remember the last time I made a cake. I mean, I cook, and bake, but as far as a birthday cake - I usually buy those.
So I decided to make it a little extra special and make it myself, with love. =)
It's a double layer marble cake with vanilla frosting, and, check out my decorating!
(I just want to say, Icing is really not easy to write with.)

Drew, up front and center with daddy to do the candles, since he slept through the birthday cake the other night.
We let him blow out the candles, and then I re-lit them and let Emma help.

Emma & her YiaYia

I also found this picture of Emma reading with Yiayia - it must have been several months ago. They love to read books together.

And, we ended the day in our jammies, cozy on the couch watching the kids bedtime shows.

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