Monday, March 7, 2011

Winter swimming, and a little re-decorating

Today we took the kids to swim in the pool at the gym. They love the pool and love swimming, but unfortunately with a few feet of snow on the ground over the last few months, they weren't doing much swimming. They are little fish in my parents pool all summer... and we can't wait for the weather to get warm enough to open the pool! So yesterday we took them to swim inside, and they had a blast.
Miss Emma in her robe & flips, getting ready to go out to the pool. She was cracking me up getting ready in the locker room....
At first she was a little reserved, and just wanted to stick with daddy. I think it had to do with the other kids that were jumping around and splashing. She isn't used to that when she has Mimi & Pop's pool totally to herself!
But... She let loose and wound up having a lot of fun

Little ruffle butt. I love it....
Drew, on the other hand had no reservations what so ever, and jumped right in. Emma likes to stay around the stairs and walk up and down them holding on to the rail, whereas Drew just jumps out into the water (expecting someone to catch him I guess) and likes to float around, swim and play.

So, that was fun for them. And we went to my parents for dinner after that.

That is definitely pool hair that has started to dry.

I had the urge to do some redecorating this weekend... I was kind of bored with the house. And, there were some things that were on the walls when we bought the house (like mirrors and shelves) that we asked them to leave, because it would have made huge holes in the wall to take down and the wall had just been painted the exact color that I would have painted it anyway. But, it was time to take that stuff down.
So I had a lot of fun on Saturday shopping for my new house stuff!! Nothing major, just little touches here and there to refresh the look.

I got new lamps for the family room -

This is the table lamp, and I also got a standing floor lamp that sort of matches it.

Some new throw pillows...
Oh, and no, they are not pink. I sent a picture to my mom and she thought they were pink. They are a taupe/brown but sort of silky so I guess the color looks a little funky in the picture.

I loved this thing - the background between the larger frame and the smaller framed mirrors is a beige canvas.
And, this wall used to have the white shelves on it, here's a before pic - (I didn't even think to take before pictures, so I have this one from my blog entry on the kids bday.)
and then we moved around some furniture, changed things from room to room, and I replaced a few other things on the wall. I was just ready for a little change. =)

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