Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fun at the Park

I wrote this blog last night, but didn't get a chance to post it ...

We went to the park for a while today, and took a long walk around our neighborhood. It was nice out, but a little bit windy, so Emma insisted that they needed jackets on. We did one loop around the block and then stopped back for their little jacket vests - so that miss Emma would be happy for the rest of the walk. She's a very bossy little one these days. And I don't really like it. We need to work on that....

 He was mad at me for taking his picture - that's what that face is all about.

Sharing a Swing

They are best friends.

Playing Soccer...
Drew is really good at kicking the ball around.

Emma running across the soccer field. She was tuckered out when we left.

And, playing on the slide

They both totally crashed out in the stroller on our walk home.
So, I walked around the block a few times to give them a little extra napping time, and then pulled the stroller into the house when we got home, so they napped in the stroller, in the hallway yesterday. I wasn't even considering trying to move them, for fear that I would wake up tired monsters.

Emma did NOT want to leave the park, and it looked like it was maybe going to start raining, and we had been there a while, so I wanted to head home before we got stuck in the rain, since we walked to the park. Emma basically made me chase her around the park, up ladders, and down the slides before I finally just told her that we were leaving her there... and pretended to start walking away. It traumatized Drew. He totally ruined my 'scare' attempt. I wanted her to think we were really going to leave her there, and then there is Drew yelling at me "Mommy!!! My Emma!!!!! No leave my Emma!!!" So I yelled over to her "What are you going to do, sleep here tonight??" and she said "Yeah. Bye mom." And she laid down at the top of the slide and pretended to go to sleep. She was definitely being stubborn this weekend. When we went to see the Easter bunny on Saturday, she wasn't ready to leave (No matter how long we let her stay, it still would have never been long enough) So she was THAT child, that was yelling, kicking and screaming as Andrew had to drag her out of there. The kids that I used to look at and say "My child will NEVER act like that." Talk about feeling like a defeated parent.
I'm hoping it's a phase. We definitely need to work on it.

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