Thursday, April 7, 2011

Kalivas family is out to FIGHT Cancer!

We participate in the American Cancer Society 'Walk and Roll' event, to raise money and awareness for cancer research, treatments, and support of cancer survivors. And... it's that time of year again!!! Our company is very involved in this great cause and with our fundraising efforts, we have been able to raise $140,000 for this event over the last two years.
As a family, we will be participating in the walk in May. We have reached 65% of our 'family' fundraising goal!! I want to really give a HUGE Thank you to everyone that has supported us, this year and last in our effort to kick Cancer in the Butt!
It's a great cause, and every single dollar makes a difference, and is a step in the right direction.
We really have come a long way with cancer research, treatment options, and improved survival rate, but there is still a lot of work to do. My hope is that our kids will be able to live in a world in which Cancer doesn't have such a large impact on so many families. Many millions of Americans hear the words 'You have Cancer' every year and it is a very scary thing. Cancer doesn't discriminate against who it's going to invade next, and no one deserves to have to go through it.
If you would like to make a donation to support the Kalivas Family's fight against cancer - you may do so by clicking this link - (Remember, no donation is too small, and all donations are tax deductible!)

Here are some pictures from the Walk last year

 The park they have it at is beautiful...

 Just Arriving....

 Look at all of us! (Actually looks like a bunch of ants!)

Mom, Drew and I

 My parents were volunteers the last few years... Somehow they trust giving my dad this golf cart thing to drive around the place. He came to pick up Emma and Drew and give them a ride for part of it. They were getting a little tired. I think they will hold up better this year.
My dad, grilling burgers and dogs. We had a bbq once everyone crossed the finish line.
 Emma & Jim

 Drew man, pretending to drive the golf cart.

  Shauna & Matt were also volunteers - at one of the water stops along the path.

So here's to hoping that this year is JUST as successful!! Thanks again to all of you that have supported us!!

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