Monday, April 11, 2011

Beautiful Weather and Wagon Rides

We had SUCH a gorgeous weekend - it was in the mid to upper 70's on Saturday, and mid 80's on Sunday... with lots of SUN! Now, spending the majority of my life in Southern California, I would have never thought this would be so exciting to me, since that's pretty much the norm year round there. But Chicago winters will make you giddy about nice weather I guess.
Andrew was able to get some golf in, we BBQ'd at home Saturday, and then went to my parents on Sunday to do some more grillin' and playing in the sun. Too bad they haven't opened the pool yet, because yesterday was really the perfect pool day. But the kids were able to play outside, and they were able to actually use their wagon outside for the first time since they got it at Christmas time.

"Watcha doin' there Drew??"
(There is a little compartment that he hides his little cars in under the seat in the wagon.)

Emma was having fun pulling Drew around in the wagon. She was a little reckless though. They wound up crashing into deck furniture, the side of the house, the grill.....

And then Pop took them for a wagon ride down the street

Longgggg driveway, don't you think? But it makes for a really big front yard that the kids like to run around like crazy in.

Emma, Drew and Mimi


  1. Aw they are the biggest cutiepies!!!!!!

  2. So cute! Goood to see Pops out and about with the kids. I can't believe shorts! It looks like fun in the sun. Thanks Lauren for the blog and the pictures because papou and yiayia miss the kids. We finally figured how to comment so, we will be saying hi and watching the blog for updates. Pops looks like he is doing good and all look like you are enjoying the sun.
