Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring? Or... not

Ok, I really thought we were well on our way into Spring, and nice weather. I mean, we had 80's last weekend. It snowed yesterday. Yes, snowed. Really? I was a little bummed. Ok, a lot bummed out.
The sunny warm weather makes SUCH a huge difference to me.
Yesterday we went to buy a new grill. The grill we have, we actually got when we lived in an apartment, and it had to fit on our balcony, but now we are ready for bigger. We love grilling in the summer, and since it's supposed to be Spring with Summer approaching, we wanted to get a new, bigger grill. Not to mention our current grill made the move from Phoenix to Chicago - which was rough on the poor thing.
The kids actually had a lot of fun in Lowe's when Andrew was looking at the grills. So, we just played around while we were waiting.

Emma was browsing through the flowers and really took a liking to this little plant, she carried it around the store the rest of the time we were there.

 Drew absolutely loves tractors, so he thought these ride lawn mowers were tractors and had a blast pretending to drive them.
 This picture just made me laugh.

We went to 'On the Border' for lunch.

Emma eating a 'diya' - that's what they call quesadillas.

This was really cute. There was a girl probably right around the same age as them in the booth on the other side, and they were having such cute little conversations. Emma was trying to give her things to play with (crayons, chips, at one point she even offered this little girl her sippy cup.)

Busy coloring, as always!

The Easter Bunny was going to be at the park in our neighborhood this weekend, and they were having a big Easter egg hunt, but the weather was terrible, so we didn't go. We'll make up for it next weekend with our own Easter egg hunt. =)
Andrew is out in the garage assembling the new grill. He has his work cut out for him... (Not only does it have the grill, but it also has one of those side burners like the stove.) I'm going to go check on him and see how that's going.


  1. Aw those pics are so cute! Love Emma with her little plant and Drew on the "tractor." Can't wait to see all of you for Memorial Day. Thanks for sharing these.

  2. Great photos once again. Between the web cam and your blog Lauren we can stay in touch. Thanks. The Wyoming Easter bunny will be sending a care package your way tomorrow!

  3. haha what cuties! I think he definitely needs a tractor!
