Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sunny weather and Strawberries

It was such a beautiful day today! Sunny, 72 degrees... It was really what I've been needing for a long time. Andrew golfed for most of the day, and when he got home we grilled out on the deck. It was our first of the year, with many many more to come. I really like to take advantage of nice weather and cook on the grill as much as possible, to not have to use the oven and stove, because during the winter it's really not an option. I even had my windows down and sun roof open when I went to the store. Now, we just need it to stay this way for a while. We'll see how that works out.
I got a watermelon, strawberries, and some other fresh fruits... and Emma basically wound up eating strawberries as her dinner. By the time we were actually done grilling, she had pretty much polished off half of a carton of strawberries and wasn't too interested in dinner.
Emma and Drew both thought the watermelon was a pumpkin when I brought it into the house. That was pretty funny...

Earlier this week we took Drew to get his hair cut. He gets hair cuts pretty frequently, because his hair grows like crazy and just gets out of control. Up until now, she has always just trimmed it and cleaned it up... but we decided to actually do a  major cut this time. He looks like such a big boy with his new hair!!

While he was getting his hair cut, he was having such a blast! Our hair stylist lets him hold her squirt bottle of water and play with it while she is cutting his hair (To keep him distracted) It was set on a mist spray and he was squirting it at his face. So each time he would mist his face with water, he would laugh so hard.

Emma feels a little left out when Drew gets his hair cut, so occasionally she will put Emma up into the chair and do a quick 'fake' hair cut to make her feel like she got her hair cut also. This time we were there after work one night and we were her last appointment of the night, so she had some extra time and she offered to wash Emma's hair for us. So that made Em happy, and it was one less thing I had to do that night when we got home!

Doesn't her head look so little sticking out of the adult size smock and chair?!
That was during her pseudo- hair cut.

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