Sunday, May 1, 2011

You Are My Sunshine

I love weekends, because I get two whole days to spend with my favorites. Unless I take Friday off, and then I have 3! I do that sometimes.
I'm really lucky though because I also love my job... which makes things much easier. I do really look forward to the weekends, to be able to hang with Andrew and the kids more than I can during the week, but I couldn't even imagine how painful if would be if I didn't like going to work, on top of not being able to spend much time with my munchkins during the week. So, long story short (or short story long) I appreciate that I like what I do for work, but I definitely appreciate my family time on the weekends.

Friday night, I got out for a little bit....and went to a friends Stella & Dot Jewelry party.

I am also pretty certain that I broke my toe on Friday. Which really stinks. I don't think there's much you can do for a broken toe, but it hurts really bad.

We grilled Saturday and had my dad over. Mom's out of town this weekend.
Pop was giving Drew putting lessons -

We did a little playing outside yesterday

 I was at Costco yesterday, and this sample lady was trying in the worst way to convince me to buy these apple sauce in a bag things. I've seen them in the store and always just thought it was kind of gross. But, I caved. Because actually, it is more convenient and a lot less messy for the kids - and this brand is all natural, no sugar, yada yada.... But, the kids love them. Emma may or may not have had 3 of them yesterday. = /
Drew and I went on a little walk when Emma was napping. We stopped at this spot for a while so that he could play with sticks and rocks and ants. Such a boy.

This morning, we took our breakfast to go and went on a walk to the park.

On our walk to the park we stopped to meet and play with a new puppy at one of the houses on our way. It was a little baby yellow lab, 8 weeks old. They just brought him home yesterday. He was adorable.
When we got to the park, the first thing each one of them did was run up the steps and go down one of the slides (They each went down a different one) AND... there were puddles of water at the bottom of each slide. UGH. We had just gotten there - and with my broken toe I really didn't want to have to turn around right away and walk back to the house to change them, and then go back to the park again. Aside from the fact that when I even mentioned going back home to change they both threw a fit. So, daddy brought us some dry pants and a towel to dry off the slides.
He was at home working... he's been working all day.

We picked some dandelions

I tied a few of them together to make Emma and bracelet and ring out of them. So when I was putting it on her I said "Look... I made you a bracelet." So of course, Drew then handed me his and said "Mommy... make mine a truck please." Ummm.....????
Any of you that know Drew and his passion for trucks, that probably doesn't surprise you.
One day when we were having a conversation about girls and boys (It stemmed from Drew not understanding why he couldn't have his toe nails painted hot pink.) And so I was telling him that he was a boy, daddy is a boy, Mommy & Emma are girls... etc...
Afterwards I asked Emma what she was, she said she was a girl, and then proceeded to go around and point to all of us telling us what we were. She did pretty well actually. (This was several months ago.)
Drew's turn went a little like this "Drew, what are you? A girl or a boy?" Drew: "I'm a truck."

That was a classic conversation.

Anyway, when we got home from the park today, Emma walked upstairs, I figured to go play in her room. And a few minutes went by and I hadn't heard anything from her - no noise on the monitor... So the first thing I think is that she's probably getting into trouble, and I went to check on her.

And that's what I found. Totally crashed out. Which is very unlike her.... Lately she's been way too cool for naps. And, she didn't even make it to her bed! She must have really been tuckered out.

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