Sunday, October 2, 2011

Autumn's Approach

Yesterday Andrew, my parents and I took Emma and Drew to a Fall festival type thing.... They had horse wagon rides, a big bon fire, s'mores, music, food, a bar ....  The kids had fun running around.

Drew was running up to the top of this grass hill and rolling down,

Horse wagon

Emma and Drew visiting the horsies.

Emma decided that her dinner was going to be cheetos. I think that's the first time either of them had cheetos. I guess there's a first for everything! I actually made sure to feed them something substantial and somewhat healthy before we went, so I didn't worry too much about her cheeto dinner. ;)

Getting the bonfire started!

And cuddling, enjoying the warmth of the fire. It sure got cold pretty quickly around here! We are definitely into Fall. The leaves on the trees are turning beautiful shades of yellow, orange and red. Already! It's so pretty though.... I just don't know if I'm ready for winters arrival. And fall means winter is inevitably approaching.

Emma and Pop hanging out, having fun around the bonfire.

After that we went over to my parents house and had Birthday cake and cupcakes

The kids helping me blow out candles. Actually, I was just pretending - I let them do it all. They absolutely love birthdays, birthday cakes and of course, blowing out the candles.
Sunday (today); Emma and I went to get our nails done. I had to get my nails done and she was really not happy (to say the least) about me leaving. So I decided to take her with me. She got her nails and toes painted also.
Pink to match her pink Bears jersey! We all sport our Bears gear on Sundays.

A little Pedi for the Princess!

Drying her itsy bitsy fingers and piggies.

peek-a-boo! We were on opposite sides of the drying table.

In just a few days, Andrew and I are headed to Anna Maria Island, FL for my cousins wedding! I'm slightly overwhelmed at the moment because I haven't thought about packing yet and I have SO much to do over the next few days (including going in to work) But, it will all be worth it when we arrive. And, I forget how easy it is to just pack for myself. I haven't just packed for myself in years! We rented a beach bungalow with my parents. I'm really looking forward to a little time away. And, a beach doesn't sound so bad either! Doesn't this look inviting?!

"Life is too good for words.
so don’t try to describe it -
just live it."


  1. I always love seeing your photos of your adventures with your adorable kids, Lauren. Have a great time at your cousins wedding! I think you deserve a little get away! xo

  2. Thanks Deb!! (And we did have a great time in FL, it was a fun little getaway) I hope you are doing well!! =)
