Monday, October 24, 2011

My Little Bakers: Halloween Cookies

I've been falling a little behind on the blog... I have a few things back logged that I want to get on here.
So, I'll start with this one...
I thought it would be a fun idea to make Halloween cookies with the kids, so I got all of the ingredients, cookie cutters shaped like pumpkins, bats and ghosts - and of course the fun Halloween sprinkles. They love making cookies anyway, so I thought this would just add a fun twist to it.

(Despite my efforts to keep it as 'clean' of an activity as possible, we made a HUGE mess.) Any time loose flour is involved, it's just a disaster. (which was needed to get the dough the right consistency and non-sticky for the cutters)
Andrew is not too fond of messy activities, which is one of the reasons we did this while he wasn't home, but when I decided to give him fair warning before he came home, he was totally fine with it. Surprised me! I thought he may have been responding to an earlier text of mine or something?

And THEN, it was decorating time!

I gave them each a lid from the sprinkles shakers full of sprinkles, and they began one sprinkle at a time, but they both wound up just dumping a mound of sprinkles onto their cookies. So thankfully they only had a controlled amount!

Here's their finished product - (After we attempted to spread the sprinkles out a little bit)

Once they were bored with it, I was left to finish decorating about 20 more cookies.... (While they were sleeping)

Tuckered out little Baker.

All in all, it was a success - and we ate lots of cookies over the course of the weekend!

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