Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Anna Maria Island, FL

We just got back from a little Fall escape, long weekend away for my cousins wedding on Anna Maria Island (FL). It was a cute little Island, with a tropical feel, bright colors and palm trees, white soft sand and crystal clear ocean water. It was the perfect little getaway.

Andrew's parents came to town and stayed with the kids at home while we were gone.

We rented a house walkable to the beach, and it also had it's own little private pool. We were able to get a few really nice beach days in, soak up some sun, relax and read... and I was even able to sleep in!!! (in a king size bed, without extra little bodies sneaking in during the night!!!) That makes more of a difference than I could have ever imagined!

This was the pool at the house...

Strawberry daiquiri

Our beach spot

This was the beach that was just a few steps from where we stayed.

Morning walk along the beach

We probably took more pictures of the two of us in the couple days we were away than we have since the kids were born! My camera focus is usually all about the kids! So there's our couple pictures for the year!

We also rode beach cruiser bikes around the island, got pedicures, we went out to dinner each night and of course watched one of my favorite cousins get married on the beach to the man of her dreams!
They did an amazing job, the wedding was beautiful and I was glad we were able to be there to celebrate her special day. Congratulations Alicia and Michael! May your future be blessed with lots of love and happiness! xoxo

We had Wednesday & Thursday totally open to relax and play. Friday night everyone that was in town for the wedding got together at Martiniville; a cute island bar. Saturday evening after the rehearsal we took a party limo bus to Sarasota and had dinner at a golf country club. And of course the wedding on Sunday.

'The Ceremony'

'The Reception'

Mr. & Mrs. Mayer!!

If I had my kids with me I totally would have been able to stay a few more days. But, I missed them like crazy, so I was ready to go home and see them! I actually had to keep myself distracted a few times because I would get sad thinking about them. Usually at night when I was getting ready for bed. They depend on us; but as another mom said recently, we depend on them just as much sometimes. Andrew and I went to London when they were about 6 months old and they stayed with my parents... but aside from that, this was the only other time we have been apart. (Andrew takes business trips sometimes and I went to NJ to visit my grandma once, but the other one was always home with them on those occasions.)

Believe it or not, in the 4-5 days we were away, they actually changed to me! Especially Emma, I just kept staring at her when we got home, she looked like she grew up while I was away!!
I catch myself watching them sleep a lot lately, because they are growing up more and more every single day.... and even though I'm so proud of the little people they are becoming, it makes me sad that I'm losing my babies.
For my non-facebookers.... This conversation had me dying the other night -
me: "Andrew!!" - - no answer. "Andrew??" no answer again. So, I figured he can't hear me or fell asleep. Not a big deal, it can wait.
Drew: "Anjew!! Rouren is talking to YOU!!"

Emma was apparently bothering Drew yesterday and he turned around to Andrew's dad and said "She's driving me CRAZY!!!" with the hand motions to go with it.

The other day we were on our way home from somewhere and we had my parents with us and as we pulled onto their street the kids said "Mimi pops house!" and Drew said 'No.... not Pops house, it's Mimi's house!" So, out of curiosity, I asked Drew where Pop lived, and he said 'On the airplane.'
That's when you know you travel frequently! When you're 2 yr old grandson thinks you live on an airplane.

They are at a point now where they will repeat anything and everything that you say; good or bad. They also come out with some good ones that no one knows where the heck they picked up! And of course Emma is still our entertainer. She can hear a song once or twice and completely sing it back to you, word for word... with her own little twist on it occasionally and absolutely loves to dance. I would love to get her into a dance class and am looking at toddler music classes as well. She really listens to the beat and dances accordingly. She also breaks out into song at times when we don't even have music on, and she has the rhythm and words down exactly (her favorites tend to be Lady Gaga and Lady Antebellum)
I think it's pretty funny when she tells random strangers that her favorite singer is lady gaga, or that her barbie's name is lady gaga. We're not too sure where her obsession with Lady Gaga came from, but it's hilarious.
The only issue with dance class is that most of them I have found do require them to be completely potty trained to enroll, and she is our late potty trainer. We have the reverse of the norm in our house, Drew is much more interested and motivated with the potty training, and Emma wants nothing to do with it.

I have more vacation and wedding pictures that I haven't been able to go through yet. If I get motivated to do so, I will post some more.

"Kids: they dance before they learn there is anything that isn't music." 
      ~William Stafford

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