Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Birthday Gift

I had a birthday this week.... and for the first time in my life it really was just no different from any other day. I guess that's a sign of getting old? I actually forgot it was my birthday a few times throughout the day and had to be reminded. (also possibly a sign of age.) My dad at one point asked me if we had plans that night and I looked at him like he was crazy; It's a Tuesday night? Why? He had to remind me it was my birthday. Then... a dozen gorgeous roses showed up at my desk and brightened my afternoon (but I had forgotten it was my birthday again until they appeared.)

BUT I received an extremely exciting, uplifting phone call late in the afternoon from one of Emma's doctors telling me that her labs came back and they are ready to pull her PICC line out as early as the following morning! Happy Birthday to me!! That was an incredible birthday present! All of her numbers are normal (or within a few points of normal) except for the one that indicates internal inflammation. They said they don't expect that to drop this quickly, it will eventually come down as her organs get a chance to fully heal and relax from everything (including the antibiotics.) As of tonight we are switching to a regular oral dose of antibiotics. I have a feeling it may even be more difficult on us though. At least with the IV meds she couldn't spit them back out in your face. Yes; that's what happens.

When I got home from work, I walked into both of my munchkins waiting at the door for me with their own little birthday art that they made during the day and they made me cookies. That was the best. They were SO excited about giving it to me. (But then Drew wanted his back?)

Emma giving a thumbs up to her last night with her IV!! Yeah!!!

Me and my Boy

'A rose can say "I love you",
orchids can enthrall,
but a weed bouquet in a chubby fist,
yes, that says it all.'
~Author Unknown

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