Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sunday Funday: Football, Family Dinner & Playing in the leaves

I'm trying to do a little catching up here. It hasn't been too easy since making a promise to myself to really try to limit the time on my computer and/or phone while the kids are awake. And.... since it usually (sadly) happens to turn out that when the kids fall asleep, I fall asleep, that puts a little bit more of a limit on the time I have to get pictures uploaded and the blog updated. But it's ok - I am trying to focus more on being in the moment, than trying to capture the moment in a picture. It's more fun that way. I also want to have as many pictures for my kids as my mom took of us while we were growing up. So, I'll find a balance. I think it's fun to look back at old pictures... My mom was really good at taking pictures (getting them developed... which seems so ancient) and keeping them all organized in albums. God help me if that was still the case, I would have zero pictures of my kids. It's much easier uploading them onto the computer and keeping them there until the day I've been talking about since they were born, when I will actually have time do something with them. When Em & Drew were born, my mother in law stayed with us for a few weeks and she absolutely insisted on me getting everything updated in their baby books that I would want in there from that crazy week after they were born because I would never have time to again, and she was definitely right about that. Since then I have been throwing things into the book (between the front cover and the first page) - to make sure I save it, but again, waiting for that day when I actually have time to update them.
For me, this seems to be the easiest way of keeping an 'up to date' journal of our activities and the highlight pictures for the week or month. There are companies that will transform your blog into a memory book, so that may just be the way to go.
Ok, I will stop rambling.
These pics are from last weekend - - We had a family weekend (my aunt & uncle were in town) we did the pumpkin patch, and had a big family dinner Sunday, the kids played around in my parents yard and jumped around in the fallen leaves and of course, football.
Andrew is in charge of the kids clothes for Sundays during football season.One football Sunday last year I forgot, and I was definitely questioned about why they were not wearing their Bears gear. As Drew would say 'Ticago Bears.'

The Bears Boys

(Now that I'm looking at this, I had NO business being in pictures that day. Yuck.)

Peg & Emma - Emma was most likely cooking her something at her little kitchen. That is one of her favorite things to do these days. The kitchen has become a semi-permanent addition to my parents family room... Very classy. (And it is also home to several of Drew's trucks, cars and trains.) But, anything goes for those two kiddos.
Drew & Peg hanging out.
I love this next one:
He's such a sweet boy, when he wants to be.
He is either a rough and tough little boy, or a big snuggle bug. Depends on his mood. But I love the snuggle boy. I definitely take advantage of those times... which is usually when he is way too tired to be anything else!

Emma and Drew spent a lot of time running around my parents front yard, chasing the dogs around.

Drew, being a boy.

They can just run around together forever... and never get tired, and it never gets old.

And what's a big family dinner without cake?!

Miss Emma, probably bossing someone around... =)

Uncle John & Andrew

Em & Peg

I liked this one of the girls... but to be fair to John (Since I'm not quite sure what he's doing here) - here's another one:

Emma already has a fake smile... Can you tell?

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