Saturday, August 27, 2011

New Jersey

I’ve been slacking on my blog lately. I have some catching up to do.
While we were on vacation, we went to New Jersey for a few days to visit family. We love being able to see our extended families and for the kids to grow up knowing their great grands, second cousins, aunts, uncles, etc….
So we make sure to get to Wyoming once a year, and New Jersey once a year for that reason. They are actually pretty lucky kids if you ask me…. They have four grandparents that adore and spoil them. (they’re the first grandkids in each of our families), 2 aunts to play with them, They have 6 great grands that love and spoil them (they are the first great grands on one side of the family) and lots of second aunts, uncles and cousins to play with them.
(you will notice less photos of Drew this summer, because it is quite the challenge to take pictures of him right now. He hates it. You have to sneak up on him and take candid shots... and if he notices you are taking a picture he turns his head as quickly as he can. Little stinker. Emma on the other hand will pose... she's a ham.)
Emma & Nan

Emma & Pop (The original Pop! My dads dad)

Em & Nan

Cousin Will. They love Will... he makes trips out to visit us in Chicago a few times a year and they have so much fun playing with him.(even though the first time he came out they thought his name was Dave. For some reason? We never could really figure that out. But now, he's Will.)

Drew & Kate. He really fell in love with Kate, and is still asking for her. (actually he asks for Kape)Sometimes he asks us if we can take him over to Kate's house. Just, out of the blue.... we have to explain to him that unfortunately that would be approximately a 14 hour drive, which isn't really doable on a whim.

Emma & Peg

Em & Barb

Em & Maggie
Emma has a lot of features and expressions that remind me of Maggie when she was that age.

Maggie & Drew reading books. The girls were really great with the kids, which gave me a huge break.

Kate & Em
I wish we could have stayed longer, and I wish we had more time with extended family in general. But we look forward to seeing everyone next summer!! (Or, before depending on who comes to visit us this year!) Chicago definitely isn't the most appealing place to visit in the winter, but we make it fun, and we always welcome guests!!

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