Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cubs Game & Family time

Still trying to catch up a little bit. But now I'll only be a week behind. ;)
Last weekend we went to a Cubs game at Wrigley. The Cubs are terrible but it's a fun day out. For those of you not in the area or familiar with Wrigleyville, they have tall buildings surrounding the ballpark that have rooftop seats to watch the game, and it's a package deal. The ticket includes unlimited food & drinks, including alcohol, starting a half hour before the game up until the game is over - and the view of the game is actually pretty good. And, you don't have to deal with lines and crowds of getting in and out of the stadium. I'm a fan of the really nice bathrooms, as opposed to ballpark restrooms also. Not a bad deal. So for father's day the last few years we have made that my dad's fathers day gift. We all go for the day. It makes for a fun day.
Andrew & Dad

Mom & Sister
My Best Friend

Chicago Skyline behind Wrigley Field from the Rooftop bar

View of the game from the rooftop later in the evening.

The kids and I went to the park.
I usually try to get them out of the house to run around and burn off steam during the day on the weekends if they aren't swimming in the pool. Otherwise they seriously drive us crazy when they are cooped up at home. This is going to be a long winter. We'll have to get creative. Funny story about the park this weekend... There were lots of two year olds at our neighborhood park on Sunday, I was surprised. Emma was on the bridge on the playground with one of the boys and screams to me (while I'm standing next to the kids mom) "MOM!! This boy is dirty!!!!" eeek. Right up there with calling a woman a man, and Drew called his sneakers the 'n' word. YIKES! Every day is an adventure with two 2 year olds, that's for sure.
 They are a lot of fun and they definitely make us laugh, but we also have our days that make me want to cry or run away. I guess it all comes with it. But it's rewarding at the end of the day when I can cuddle up with my snuggle bugs and they can tell me all about their day and I get to hear everything that's on their mind.
After baths every night we all jump in our bed and hang out for a bit. It's their time to unwind and chill out, and it's probably my favorite part of the day, most days.
This was the other night - - Dora the Explorer must have been very intriguing at the moment.

This is Drew's favorite thing to do - he lines up a bunch of cars and races them.

We also had my parents over last weekend for dinner - we grilled out. We're trying to squeeze in as many nights with the grill as we can before it's covered in snow again! Which I'm sure will come soon enough. I'm a summer lover, but I have to admit, I am looking forward to fall a little bit. We've had a long, fun summer and we've had really good luck with weather, so I will accept the arrival of Fall this year. I wish that 'perfect fall' weather would last longer though, because I am in NO way, shape or form wishing winter upon us.

Emma & Drew were waiting out on the front steps for Mimi & Pop to come.

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