Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"The Beach & the Sea help me get back to me"

I wrote this the other day and forgot to post it. So I figured I guess I should, and I'll post the rest of our pictures when we get home.

We're on vacation in Cape Cod ... ahhhh.......
One of my favorite places in the world. It gives me something to look forward to every year. I believe this will be my 27th summer at the Cape. Unless you want to include the summer I spent hangin' out in my moms belly. It truly is just relaxing. Wake up whenever... have coffee out on the deck. Stroll down to the beach, and be a beach bum all day until we feel like coming back to take showers and go to dinner. With a happy hour squeezed in between somewhere. Not bad.

(I usually don't announce when we're away on vacation, but Matt kindly offered to stay at our house while we're away.)
My mom went to meet a friend of hers for lunch, Andrew & dad are out being golfers, the kids are napping and I was just finishing up a few things for work. I really don't plan on working much this vacation but I had a 'to do before vacation' list and still had a few things on there that were just driving me crazy. I wouldn't have been able to relax if I didn't get it done. It's overcast today. Which is fine... I actually have a different outlook on my vacations now. Pre-kids I would have been really mad at rain days or cloudy days, because it would take a beach day away from me, or I would have to stay inside... But now I really just look forward to a full week of getting to hang out with my munchkins and not having to rush out the door in the morning promising them that I'll be back home as soon as I can, and give hugs and kisses on the run. So if we don't get 7 straight days of beach, and maybe get a few cloudy days of hangin around the house, sleeping in and relaxing, I don't mind. Speaking of sleeping in, this is how I found Em & Drew this morning - -

Yesterday Andrew and I went into Boston to go to the Red Sox/Yankees game at Fenway Park. We go to a game at Fenway every summer, but this year the big rivalry game happened to fall during our Cape week. So that was pretty fun. It didn't hurt that we had awesome seats either. We were able to buy them from a season ticket holder. The tickets have been in their family for close to 40 years, which is really the only way anyone has season tickets at Fenway.

Yawkee Way, before the game.

And... Red Sox win!!! A big win! So all in all, a good day.

An evening beach visit to burn off some energy.

At dinner

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