Sunday, May 15, 2011

Drivin' Firetrucks!!

Yesterday I was out doing my regular weekend running around & errands, and passed the firehouse and saw they were having an open house, to tour the fire trucks, ambulances, police cars, etc... They had the truck lights on and everything. Well, seeing how Drew is totally obsessed with fire trucks right now, when I got home we took him over there to see the trucks. He was in his glory. Lately, he has actually been thinking that he IS a fire truck, and walks around the house making the siren noises. That gets to be a bit much.

Drew standing on the front of the truck

Drew driving the truck. Emma was his co-pilot

Emma's turn to drive!! The wheel was bigger than them!

Emma being an EMT in the ambulance.

Ringing the bell on the fire truck.

A few pictures from the park on Thursday....

They were going down the slides together at the same time, and would count and try to take off at exactly the same time. It was pretty funny.
It was SO hot that day. But I had to put their jeans on because the day before they kept telling me that the slides were too hot on their butts.

We had our Cancer walk today and to sum it up in one word I would probably say.... Miserable. It really is for a good cause and we were going to go regardless, but it was Cold, Windy and Rainy!! Could it have been any worse? I mean, really? I guess it could always be worse, but it was pretty darn bad. So we didn't hang around after to eat or socialize. They grill when the walk is over and have music. There were big tents but the kids were just cold and upset, so we made it quick.
THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone that donated and have supported us in our effort to raise money for cancer research over the last few years... Every dollar makes a difference and it is a great cause. So even though todays event wasn't exactly enjoyable, our family raised a total of $875! (give or take, I still need to finish counting the change from one of the change jars)
But I can't tell you how much we appreciate all of your donations to help us get that far! xoxoxo

1 comment:

  1. I used to take kids to the fire station all the time. Sometimes they have open houses, but also you can often just walk in and get a private tour! I'll never forget after Sept 11, a little friend and I had made cards for the local fire department, and I took him to deliver the cards. The fire fighters were outside washing the fire trucks. They gave him an impromptu tour of the firehouse, AND they let him squirt the hose! He was in heaven! :)
