Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Mothers Day

I'm a little behind on my blog, usually I post them on Sundays. But, what can I say?

We had a fun Mothers Day weekend. My munchkins even learned how to say 'Happy Mothers Day' to me. (My mom taught them)

After work on Friday, Andrew was golfing, so I was hangin' with my babes. It was a gorgeous afternoon/evening so we took a long walk around our neighborhood, and then played on the grass hill.


They got nice and dirty, and at one point I made a comment about needing to take baths as soon as we got home, and as Emma is digging in dirt, playing with bugs and worms and rocks, she says to me "No mom, there won't be time for baths when we get home, it will be too late."
There have been a few nights that we've gotten home late and Andrew & I will have a quick conversation about it being too late for baths, because we still have to do dinner, pj's, etc... and we can do baths in the morning. Apparently she tunes in to those conversations.

Saturday we celebrated Mothers day with my parents, because they were leaving for Jackson Hole on Sunday.

Emma & Mommy

Emma & Mimi

Mmmm.... Wine and Cake

Once again, we had quite a few takes on this picture. Generally it takes several before we can get one where we're all looking in the same direction and not making a really weird face.

My boy - My little love.

Emma & Aunt Shauna

Emma dancing with Daddy

I love my babies.

Sunday was another beautiful day, so when I was done doing all of my weekend running around (Costco, grocery shopping, etc..) I took the kids to the park. We have really had a crappy Spring so far, so I try to take advantage of every nice day that I'm not in the office.

Miss Emma going down the big twirly slide.

Drew found a softball on the baseball field, so he had a blast being a 'baseball player.'

This was shortly after we came home from the park (And it wasn't even 6 pm yet) -

That little girl was tuckered out.

My blog has basically turned from a blog with a few pictures (Which is what I think it's supposed to be like) to a full blown photo album. But, that's ok. My intent is to keep our distant family and friends in the loop, and I like taking pictures of the kids (Andrew thinks I take too many) - so I just have so many to pick from that I end up using a lot. My plan is to have the blog converted into a memory book for the kids some day. For us to remember 'the little things'. My mom took so many pictures of us growing up, and she has lots of photos albums, and I love looking through them. So I want my kids to be able to do the same thing. Even though times have changed and I can honestly say that I have very few pictures actually printed out.

A little off subject, I got some hanging flower baskets for our front porch this weekend. Andrew is watching to see how long I can keep them alive. I'm usually not very good at it. I definitely don't have the green thumb. I'm more like a flower/plant killer. I get them, because I really do love the way they look, and I want to have pretty flowers around, but they end up being his responsibility. But this time I'm really going to try my best.

So, I'll keep ya posted on that.

Inside, we always stick with the artificial, silk plants. But, for the Spring and Summer months, I'm really going to try to get flowers going outside. The plants, bushes and flowers that we do have in our yard don't require my attention. The rain and sunlight do it all for me. So, we'll see!


  1. awww your kiddos are so cute! i am so glad you had a great Mother's Day! You deservi it!

  2. Thank you so much for posting all of the pics! I will smack Andrew for saying you take too many because Auntie Amy loves seeing all of them.

  3. Lauren- I just discovered your blog. It is wonderful! I love all the pictures and the comments you make about day to day life. The picture of Emma cashed out on the floor in your previous post is just too precious. I'm sad we won't be able to see you at the HS reunion, but I am very glad we all can peek into your life through your blog!
