Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cookies, Slides and Horses.... Our Day Off

I had an unexpected day off today. Our nanny had her wisdom teeth out on Tuesday, and I had planned on working from home Tuesday and Wednesday figuring she would be back today. She let me know last night that she didn't think she would be able to make it today because the teeth were giving her problems. So, considering my parents are out of town and Andrew is traveling for work... That left, Me! But that's ok, because I love my days with my munchkins.
Emma was battling a stomach virus earlier this week, and the poor thing was scared to eat anything because of it. I don't blame her... But she seems to be doing a lot better, and has a little of her appetite back, so we went to the bakery for breakfast! This bakery (or, 'makery' as Emma would call it) is amazing! It is definitely not something you can frequent, that's for sure. Well, I guess you could... But, anyway.

Those were just some trees out front that I really liked. =)

Giant cake Cupcakes

This place is huge! It goes on forever. It's dangerous.

I let each of them pick out a donut (They have miniature donuts) and a cookie. As you can probably imagine, that was not an easy decision for them to make.

Drew's airplane cookie

Emma really liked this little statue guy...

So, we sat down and ate, and they amused some of the older folks that were also having breakfast there.

It was supposed to rain for most of today, so I was just trying to get them out of the house for a bit. But, the sun was shining and it was really nice out, so on our way home we stopped at a park. It's not the park we usually go to in our neighborhood, but we were driving by it and I remembered them really liking it when we took them there one other time. Apparently every other mother in town had the same idea. But, thats ok because they loved being able to play with all of the kids. Most of the kids there were their age. And I think I may have been the only woman there that wasn't pregnant. = /
This is only about one third of the playground - it's big.

On our way home we stopped to see the horses. The guy that owns (or used to own?) Arlington Race Track has tons of land and a lot of horses that we drive by all the time.. so usually I will pull over and let the kids see the horses for a minute, but today there were a few that were right up at the fence, so we got out and watched them for a little bit.

I kind of had to hold on to Drew most of the time because he was seriously trying to climb over the fence and jump right in there with them! My kids are fearless.

We got home and the kiddos took naps, and in a few minutes we are heading back out to take a walk.

We are looking forward to Daddy coming home from his trip tonight!

This weekend we will be walking in the American Cancer Society's Walk & Roll event raise money for cancer research!! We're really excited to see what we have been able to do as a group. We have raised $140,000 the last two years with this event, and hoping that this year will be just as successful! If you haven't already, and wish to donate to support us, click on the link below and you are able to make a secure, and tax deductible donation! Remember, every dollar makes a difference! Cancer has personally touched us recently, and I can say that it is something that no one should have to deal with. My hope is for my kids to live in a world where cancer is not such a threat.... and people can celebrate more birthdays!! So we are out to kick cancers butt!!

I would also like to say, once again, a HUGE THANK YOU to those of you that have supported us, or donated on behalf of our family for this event the last few years!! We really appreciate it!

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