Friday, May 4, 2012

I'm back! It's definitely been a while, so I've got a lot to catch up on... I'll have to do a high level overview of the last few months of our life. It's been crazy and busy. So this will probably be more pictures than anything, because I have pictures going back several months that I haven't done anything with. (And trust me... I take several pictures a day. My husband can attest to that.) We will never be short on pictures of the kids as they are growing up! But that is my intention.
We have been enjoying the "warm"-ish weather lately. Pretty much warm enough to get the kids outside to play. Some days have been absolutely gorgeous and then we get a few icky ones in between. But, we will get there... eventually. Really looking forward to summer!
The kids have been able to get out with all of their outside toys though, which has been fun for them. That is definitely a benefit for those living in a climate that is warm year round when you have little ones. Finding things to keep them entertained and busy inside all winter can be a challenge. Especially when you have two 3 year olds on your hands!

Cruisin' around in their Benz

It looks like I've got some catchin' up to do... back to St. Patty's day. Andrew was actually traveling that week, he was in CA for work and extended through the weekend to visit his sister. So my munchkins and I spent St. Pattys day together.

We went out to dinner -
(These pictures make me laugh.)

Twinnies & Best Buddies

Then we played outside and rode bikes up and down our street...

They love their little trikes

One of the nights daddy was gone, I let the kids make pizzas
(We try to do the messy activities when daddy's not home)

I gave each of them pre-made dough/pizza crust, and let them spread the sauce around and sprinkle cheese all over it.

And... their finished product - not bad! I just had to spread the cheese out a little more evenly before popping it in the oven because they would just make a big pile of cheese in one central area. ;)
They actually each made one - but they pretty much looked the same, I promise. ;)
They're good little pizza chefs, and it's a fun activity for them.

Spending a weekend afternoon at Mimi & Pop's -

Playing with sidewalk chalk in the driveway with Mimi...

My mom gets just as excited (if not more) about this kinda stuff as they do.

And... since she is a very talented artist/illustrator, it makes me look bad when my kids ask me to draw them something and this is what they have to compare it to:
Drew cruisin around. He actually navigates these things pretty well!

Drew & Andrew, giggling at something at the dinner table

We met my sister and Matt for pizza one night
This was actually outside of the restaurant... Drew was climbing on this bench thing and I snapped a picture and ran it through an editing program and loved the whole look and feel of it:

My little Love...

Em & Daddy

That's going to have to be it for now. I'll try to get back on and post some more later.

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