Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Graham's visit: Adults Outnumbered!

Our cousins came to visit for a weekend at the end of March/beginning of April (I think that's when it was... this is what happens when I get so behind on this blog.)
It's actually Andrew's cousin Travis, his lovely wife Jodi and their kids - Logan, Harper & Ainslee (or Angi-lee as Emma likes to call her.)
So in total we had 4 adults, a 6 yr old, a 4 yr old, two 3 year olds and a 2 year old. Yeah, we're crazy like that. But it was fun. Part of the weekend actually wound up being quite the debacle, but it's laughable now. Andrew and Travis had tickets to go to a VanHalen concert Saturday night so we decided to plan a trip to the Shedd aquarium during the day with all the kids. It was actually supposed to be a really nice day, weather report said 70's... So we all got ready, got the kids all dressed and packed up and we were about to leave and Travis didn't feel well, so we decided to wait a few minutes. (The kids were already all strapped in their carseats at this point so they weren't thrilled with us.)
We drove into the city, 2 cars full of us, Travis had to do a few emergency pull overs on the way (sorry Trav) so we lost them, but eventually we all wound up at our destination. The Shedd Aquarium on Lake Michigan. Parked, hauled everyone up there and what do you know? A line of approximately 200+ people waiting to get in!! (Not joking) Seriously?!? What's so special about this place? I'm not sure why, but we decided to wait a little while and see how quickly the line moved. Let me tell you, NOT quickly. In fact, it really didn't move much at all. And it was Fah-Reezing. Whoever was in charge of that weather report blew it, big time. The kids were freezing their little tushies off, aside from it being frigid the wind was blowing off the lake and everyone was dressed for 70 degrees. Travis went to see if they had any jackets or sweatshirts in their car, but he did not return. I sent Andrew to find him and eventually they did come back (sans-jackets) because they couldn't find the car. Eventually we said forget it, and tossed the whole idea, drove back home, ordered a pizza and warmed up our kiddies. (We also paid like $30 to park each car which wound up being useless) but oh well, it was definitely an experience. Oh and I should also mention, we were 'those' parents that everyone stares at as I was DRAGGING my child away from the building as she was screaming bloody murder because she wanted to see the fishies. So that was the disaster part of the visit. You live and learn I guess. Don't attempt to go to the Aquarium in Chicago on a Saturday, during Spring break (did I mention that? oops.) and apparently there was also some type of exhibit going on.
Other than that the kids had fun, my kids absolutely loved having them here to play with and thought it was the best thing ever that they slept over and where here again to play with in the morning. Actually, Emma and Drew were probably a little bit too excited and were so cranked up and hyper, and deleriously slap happy.

I love this picture... We thought the kids were upstairs playing, but it turns out they were all snuggled up in my bed watching a show. 

Watching cartoons in the morning. Yes, apparently Emma thinks she is a rockstar, and the dark sunglasses are necessary inside. Rough night I guess.

Andrew and Logan wrestling... kind of?

Drew just idolized Logan

Miss Ainslee and her waffles

This was at the aquarium... Well, after we parked, but before we realized just how big of a mistake we had just made.

Drew and Harper

We miss you guys!!

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