Monday, March 26, 2012

Help us in our Fight Against Cancer!!

So... it's that time of year, and we are at it again! We support the American Cancer Society by participating in and fundraising for the American Cancer Society's Walk & Roll every year. Andrew, myself, Emma and Drew will be participating in the Walk & Roll event once again, but this year they may get to do it with their tricycles instead of in a stroller!! (I'm sure they'll be excited about that) Although it may take us a little bit longer to get to the finish line if we're waiting for them on the trikes, but worth the wait!
Cancer really sucks, and it's something that has touched our family and I'm sure many of yours. It's not fun... it's scary and you just have to hope for the best outcome. So we are out to Kick it's BUTT! We really have come so far in cancer research and development, and you can clearly see that in the treatment options that are offered today, which would have never been an option ten years ago. However, there's much further to go. So please, check out our fundraising page (In the link below)  and consider making a donation towards our goal or joining our team!
All donations are tax deductible and no donation is too small!!!

Click HERE to visit the Kalivas family page and make a safe and secure donation.

Click HERE to check out my blog from last year

The post above has the prior years photos... unfortunately, no photos from last year because we did it in the POURING RAIN~ no one was worried about capturing shots! Hopefully this year we will have better luck with the weather.

But, we would really really appreciate any help we can get with this effort.... It means so much to us.

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