Monday, February 6, 2012

A Winter Wonderland Birthday Celebration

My babies turned 3 a few weeks ago... Exciting and a little bit sad at the same time. They are turning into little people. They are more fun to be around in some aspects, because we can actually have little conversations, and they say the funniest things. But I miss my little babies too.
I'm big into birthdays. I love making them special. Their birthday party was the day after their actual birthday, so of course we had to do something on their actual birthday too... right?!
When they woke up and came downstairs, they ran through the doorway of streamers.

 And then mommy decorates the night before, after they go to bed, with fun balloons, streamers, banners, etc..
(A side note on the balloons... I went the night before to get the balloons when Andrew and his parents were finishing up the kids dinner and getting them ready for bed... it was in the middle of a crazy snow storm, so maybe they had let staff go home? But I went to the florist section, picked out the balloons and the kid says 'ummm... I was never trained on how to do this... I'm really sorry'  so basically he tells me that he doesn't know how to blow up balloons with the helium tank. So, I trained him, and blew up my own balloons, tied the ribbons, showed him how to curl ribbon with scissors, how to attach the weights... It was pretty interesting. But hopefully now the next time someone needs balloons and the regular florist isn't there, he can assist. ;)
 And it has become somewhat of a tradition to have a little cake for breakfast. (I mean, I figure... they are going to ingest the sugar at some point or another during that day, so why not make it really fun and have it for breakfast, and also give them some time to burn it off?) Well, whether I can justify it or not, that's what we do! We have a little birthday celebration right when they wake up.

A mini Elmo cake

Drew was trying to figure out how many 'fingers' he is now....
I think he eventually got it. Emma has a tough time with three fingers, she can do 2 and 4 just fine, but not three. So she will either be 2 or 4 until we can figure that out I guess.

These kids are lucky... they have 4 grandparents that absolutely adore them, and 6 great grands!
And even better, on their birthday they had all four grandparents here to take them out to dinner! Andrews sister Amy also came all the way out here from San Diego for the weekend to spend their birthday with them. She barely made it... because of the snow storm we had the day she was flying in.

Emma and both of her grandma's (Mimi & YiaYia)

Drew & Aunt Amy

Trying on Mimi's cheaters

Then... the next day was the Winter Wonderland Birthday Party!!
I have had to come up with 'gender neutral' themes for their parties until they start having separate parties (if they want to) Because I'm not sure if Drew would appreciate a princess party, or Emma a race car party; right now anyway. So last year was a Western Theme party, and this year was Winter Wonderland. It's also difficult to try to plan a birthday party in the dead middle of winter where it's cold and snowy. I think you have so many more options in the summer. But anyway, we did it, and we had fun... and that's all that matters.

Winter Wonderland Dessert table

Emma assisting Papou with his camera.

Love this girl. We have very similar lives (went to college together, got married at the same time, had kids at the same time, live close to one another), and we lean on each other a lot. So grateful for her!

Everyone gets a candle in their cupcake at this party!!

Me 'n my Mama

Hot Chocolate Bar

I hope the innocent smiles on these little faces never fade away...

Playing Pin the Hat on the Polar Bear
Eventually Emma agreed to wear the blindfold but at first she got mad when we attempted to put it on her, she just wanted to walk right up to it (eyes wide open) and pin the hat on. And, because it was her birthday, we let it slide.

Drew playing catch with his new baseball glove

I'm still trying to catch up... I'm a few weeks behind, so I'll try to post a few times this week. We'll see about that. If this week is anything like last, maybe not.

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